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OK I don't want to waste a lot of your time so Ill try to keep it short and simple.

As for late Ive been accused of using the whole me being 'transgender' as an excuse to get popular. as if Its a way for me to appeal to an audience that wouldn't normally like me due to being trans.

To that I say thats bullshit. Look, Ive felt this way since 6th grade even before I wrote my first art book months later. And man, thats low to disrespect a community like that to get 'views'. Ive never been view crazy, and all the popularity I get is unintentional and out of pure talent/luck. All I want is to draw and have a true fanbase that likes me for me and my art, not phonies who like me due to a dammed gender identity. A dammed gender identity that makes me gets look down upon by my peers, makes me loose relationships with fantastic but religious people, and made me almost commit suicide over in 7th grade due to me not thinking i can live with my new self. Case in point, why would I fake something that can ruin lives like that? Im not an idiot and people think im a good guy in general and know I know better then to jump to cheap tactics like this to get likes. So please think before you accuse people of shit!

And I hate to make a chapter being a whiny baby about a fucking gender. But when theres people who think its fun to attack some random 13 year old kid on the internet, I have to clean my name. I don't want to make this extremely public like Ive seemed to have to be doing, I just want to be though of as a male. Im very sorry for this and i hope you all can understand and didn't believe this rumor!

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