A Spider Speaks

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Welcome, I am Araña, a Brazilian Wandering Spider who has decided to settle with ZephyrClan for a bit. Worry not, my venom may be potent, but why would I bite?  I have seen lots on my travels from the Amazon to the windswept territory of ZephyrClan, and my knowledge I wish to share with you, my fellow Felis catus friends. So please, sheathe your claws and listen awhile. I look to enjoy our time together.

I have decided to create an OC generator, as I have seen many undeveloped characters in my time. They are all similar too, even though the cats I've met are much more than just what the Bigfeet think of us. Cats like you have a backstory, have felt some degree of hopelessness once or twice. Me too, now. I have been the victim of countless attempted murders, my back legs are strong from the number of defense stances I've held. I have felt out of place, you cats don't likely know how obvious the path all life makes for me as I skitter about. Stolen from, by you cats. See, a spider's webbing is limited in what we can make, and you take it from us. We need it for food, protection, as a nursery for thousands of eggs. I advocate peace for you cats — the less blood the less webbing needed — however unlikely that may be. These are a spider's words of wisdom, and what I will advocate throughout this generator.

This generator is mine, and you cats have already stolen my prized, thick webbing, so please don't take this. I still have a spider's instincts to defend, be cautious. But what is there to steal anyways? I am giving my knowledge of making wonderful OCs for free, and I am encouraging you to do the same. Anyways, what you can steal is this exact idea. Be creative! Spiders aren't shown how or where to build their webs, but they always turn out dandy, so what is there to lose?

In this generator, I will be assisting you in developing a rich, consistent character. But my thinking like yours has it's blind spots, so please don't work your claws at an imperfect character. You mammals are lucky, your thinking is much more developed than us arachnids. So use your wisdom, be creative, adjust your character. No two webs are alike, neither are two cats.

So what is a unique cat? It is one that you put your heart into. Simple. Two pessimistic dilute calico toms with hazel eyes named Foxflare are still different, they have been created by two separate individuals. I may be a wandering spider. but I wish to not lead you astray. Certainly you're here for a reason?

Join me, now you will begin to unlock the secrets of a true feral cat.

Wandering With the Breeze,
Araña, Brazillian Wandering Spider🕷

Araña's OC GeneratorWhere stories live. Discover now