Birth of a mistake

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*Heavy panting*

"C'mon darling we mustn't waiver they're right on our tail." She's panting so heavily dammit how'd all this happen. I thought the empire was on our side. Just what the hell is going on I screamed in my head. "I must think quickly" I muttered to myself. We're probably surrounded on all sides by now and everyone at the mansion killed. Tch, I snapped we have to get to the bridge that's the only possible route I can think of that has a remote chance of success. "Lets go Rose, I won't be giving up without a fight!"

We ran as fast as we could through the thick forest with our pursuers right on our tail. Every step we took was the difference between life and death. A real foot race to the death and in this race anything goes. "Dear I think we lost them. I don't hear there footsteps behind us anymore." I stopped and looked back, she was right our pursuers did stop, but I know we didn't lose them that easily. They are the Emperor's personal tracking unit. One doesn't simply lose them that easily. Something was wrong and my gut was telling me to run as fast as I can. "Hunny" my wife called. "I can't run anymore just leave me behind. I don't have the power in my legs the Gods luck isn't with me today. So please I beg of you leave me and live on." I stared at her my beautiful wife was telling me to leave her, to cast her away, to abandon her and only think of myself. I dropped down to one knee "get on" I yelled. "Climb on my back we're getting out together thats our only choice so take it ok. I don't know who that was back there but thats not the woman I love. The woman i love doesn't give up this easily against impossible odds. Rose now tell me do you want to live." Rose hesitated, "i don't know i just don't want to lose you." I raised my voice. "Rose do you want to live say it so I can hear you." Rose stuttered, "I-I I want to live." I spun around and glared at her. "I don't know if you have the resolve or not so tell me again! Yell it so even the Gods will hear your cries. Now Rose tell me do you want to live!" She jumped into my arms with tears rolling down her face "Yes I want to live. I don't want to die yet. I want to grow old with you, I want to be your only lover, I want to be the rock that you can lean on or the pillow you may lay on. I WANT TO LIVE!" I smiled "good now lets go."

"John" Rose whispered. "i feel as if whenever i find myself in a bind you always save me. It feels as if wherever I go trouble is not too far behind." She grabs my shirt tighter. "I feel like a burden to you. Ever since i've entered your life only bad things occur as if this love is but a tradegy." John didn't answer her, he just kept running towards his fate. "I see the bridge!" John exclaimed. "We're almost free Rose just hold on for a bit longer." John thought fate was on their side that day, but sadly it was not. "It ends here John," a familiar voice yelled. John stopped "I guess you this place surrounded huh." In an instant 20 shadows leaped from the bushes surrounding John and Rose. "Why didn't you just take the deal John. Why couldn't you just accept fate and the simple fact that times are changing John. That self righteousness you always talk about is the same thing that gets you killed. John why couldn't you just join the darkness. Why'd you have to be that one shining light in the darkness." John slowly backed up "Rose, I'll make an opening for you to escape. You only need to cross the bridge to be sa-fe." Cough Cough "What did you do to me you fucking traitor. Judas what have you done!" Judas chuckled, "oh man only now that poison started to kick in that must show how resilient you are. You really thought we would only bring 20 elite swordsman to kill you at all full strength. haha we would need an army of at least 1000 strong just to capture you. I know i had us such a dishonorable trick just to kill you, but you'll get over it." A tear ran down Rose's cheek. "Darling" John mumbled, as they inched closer and closer to the edge of the cliff. "I grow tired of this kill them both."

John unsheathed his sword as the assassins charged them. "You all shall die by my blade," yelled John. Clang, the sound of the blades meeting, the sound of death that echoes throughout the air. Two men charged John swinging their blades in sync trying to take his head. He dodged them easily then sinking his sword into one man's side. More men join the fight as John sliced through his opponents one by one. "Wow John you really do live up to your name as the empire's greatest swordsman even though I poisoned you, but you "You must live on my dear Rose.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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