Strictly Profession ~Mindless Behavior love story~

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Hey guys! I decided to wrote a new story ! I'm even thinking about deleting Living in the Life of my Bully! Please comment what you think I should do 😩 !

Eva's POV

I woke up to my alarm going off at 6:00 sharp. I turned it off and made my way to the bathroom to shower, brush my teeth , and to my makeup and hair.

By 7:15 I was finally finish with all my hygiene. Before I got dresssed I went down stairs to make myself some breakfast. I pulled out 2 slices of bread and popped them in the toaster. Before they could burn I pressed the little red button and spread Grape jelly all accross it.

In no less than 5 minutes I was finished. I picked out an all black pencil skirt, white collard shirt, and a black jacket to match the skirt to go with my all firey red pumps I made sure to grap my briefcase before grapping my keys to my all white Range Rover.

Within 30 minutes I managed to pull up to Sweetooth Inc. I made my way into the builing, onto the elevator and up to the highest floor. Seconds later I was on the 30th floor and ,making my way into my office. I was stopped my Tina, the lady who works at the front dest.

"Goodmorning Ms. Washington, you're looking very lovely today-" " Enough with the happy stuff just tell me what is in my name today" I said with an attitude. She looked as if she was tooken by surprise? I don't see why we go through this EVERY morning. "Sorry to upset you Ms. Washington, but Mr. Davis has called you in for a very important business meeting within the next 5 minutes." I simply gave her a quick head nod and walked away.

While I have time on my hands I will tell you a little about my self. I am Eva Rose Washington, I was born and raised in ATL by my single mother, Jean. I am currently 24 years old working Co-CEO of Sweetooth Inc. Sweetooth is a very popular fashion clothing line. Millions would die for a life like mine. I have an I don't give a fuck attitude about anyone or anything. Why? Cause there's too many people in this world to even think I would let some low-life get ahold of my trust. I am a very independent woman. I never needed anybody's help and thats how my mother taught me. and Of course I'm beautiful. Lots of people say I look like Naomi Campell. Whatever. I get hit on my guys all the time,but turn them down. I focus on my career and thats IT.

"Excuse me Ms.Washington, Mr. Davis would like to see you now." " Gosh Tina Don't you knock? Rude! didn't your mother ever teach you manners? And just so we make this clear I can read time I was just on my way" " Yes, yes my mother did teach me manners. and If you could tell time so good you would know that you're already 3 minutes late." she spat back at me. Wow. Look who decided to get bold. I'll let it slide for now but she'll pay later.

I quicklly rolled my eyes and walked of my office and into the conferrence room. I took my seat and listend to Mr. Davis speak. " Now Eva as I was telling everyone before, I am stepping down from CEO and retiring. as you all may know I am already 65 years old and I'm tired. So! With that being said I need somebody new , somebody who is going to run my company to the top! For the past 6 months I have been thinking about this long and hard about who to choose, I have recently come to think you, Eva would do a wonder ful job-" I jumped out of my seat and shook his hand. " Thank you Sir, Thank you, I won't let you down" I said Eagerly. " Woah. Woah. Woah now there is a catch. You'll be running in compition with a young man named of Chresanto August. You both are to prove to me by December 31st, 6 months from now who the company shall go to. Thank you everyone meeting ajurned."

I shook Mr. Davis's hand and made my way back to my office. Just as I was walking I spotted the worlds most handsomest man to ever step foot on earth. He had nice curly hair, a smile to die for, and you could tell he had a nice body underneath. Lord save me. Just as I was about to meet my office I was called back by Mr. Davis. I noticed the man who just walked past me seconds ago was with him. I made my way over to hime and Mr. Davis spoke. " Sorry to stop you, but there's someone I would like for you to meet." He turned his head to the man I just seen. He began to speak. " Hello my name is Chresanto, but please call me Chres I'll be competeting with you for the CEO position."

This. Is. Not. Going.To. be.Good















Welp! Thats the first chapter comment what you think!!! Follow me on insta @Cravejay. Picture of EVA ---------------->>

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