Detention || Teacher!Levi x Reader ||

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T E A C H E R! L E V I  X  R E A D E R

RATED: T [though I guess it gets a little M near the end . . .]

               Your fingernails tapped rhythmically against the marble desktop. You tried your best to absorb what Mr. Levi was droning on about but it was proving to be very difficult. Your eyes trailed over the outline of the muscles in his biceps. You hummed lowly as you imagined what it would be like to have his strong arms holding you against his chest. You sighed dreamily.

               “Miss (s/n), are you paying attention to the lecture?” You snapped out of your daze as Mr. Levi’s harsh tone filled your ears. You blushed when you realized just how close he had gotten to you. Shifting in your seat, you attempted to make it look like you had been paying attention.

               “I-I was paying full attention to the lecture, Mr. Levi.” You managed to get out before he leaned down closer to you. Your breath caught in your throat at his sudden closeness. You nearly sighed as the fragrant of his cologne engulfed your nose. He smelled as wonderful as ever.

               “I am not a fool, Miss (s/n). If you wish to check me out please do so in a more appropriate time.” You blushed even more. He caught you checking him out! Ugh, you felt as if you were going to die from the embarrassment. “You have detention on Friday. Do not be late.”

               You were too stunned to speak. You had never gotten detention before but that wasn’t the reason you were stunned. Right as Mr. Levi pulled away, he seductively winked at you. You fanned yourself. Oh lord, what were you getting yourself into?


               Friday came and you found yourself out side of Mr. Levi’s room. You gulped, your hands shaking as you gripped the strap of your messenger bag tightly. For some reason, you were afraid of what Mr. Levi would do. He was known amongst the students for his mental torture. Many students reported the short teacher having done many things to make them feel as awkward as possible as while in his room for detention.

               “Well, are you going to go in or just stand there like an idiot all day?” You gasped as you felt his breath against your neck. You thought he was in the room the whole time. You, apparently, had been wrong.

               “Ah, n-no.” You stammered, quickly stepping into the room and away from him. You were a good two inches taller than him but he was as intimidating as someone five inches taller than you.

               “Hm.” He said nothing as he followed you in. You shivered at the sound of the door closing shut and the lock moving into place. You scanned the room to see if anyone else was there. You were surprised to see that there was no one. Wasn’t Mr. Levi handing out detentions like they are going out of style? You had no time to ponder the thought when you were forced to turn around.

               You gasped as his lips capture yours. Those lips that you constantly fanaticized about were attacking yours with brute force. You had no doubt in your mind that your lips would be bruised later. Mr. Levi forced you to lean back on one of the desk top, his hands firmly on your hips.

               You moaned lowly as he began nibbling lightly on your bottom lip. Letting your bag fall to the floor, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing his lips harder to yours. In the back of your head, a voice nagged you that this was wrong, that Levi could get in trouble for this. He was your teacher and you were his pupil. It would never work.

               You ignored the nagging as Levi forced your mouth open. His tongue explored every inch of your mouth, tasting every spot he could reach. Hot need pulled at your nether regions the younger you kissed him. You lazily let your hands roam down his arms. Those biceps you had drooled over in class felt perfect underneath your finger pads.

               You panted lowly when Levi pulled away. You lay on the cool desk, your lips feeling spent from how hard Levi had kissed you. The heavy-lidded look he gave you sent your insides buzzing like crazy.

               “This will be our little secret.” He mumbled. You nodded weakly. His lips were on yours again in a more passionate kiss. You wrapped your legs around his well-toned waist. Your little secret . . . this was far from a little secret. This secret would make detention far more enjoyable now. 

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