In the age old Vikings fight against witches and the dragons, nobody else was as afreared still among the pirates then island of the Homberion.
The fate reserved amazing things to John and Margaret where you will live a frightening and thrilling a...
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Margareth is awakened beside a small river creek, small crabs struggle over territory over her belly, upon waking Margareth struggles screaming for help, running out with her eyes closed, Margareth tropics on top of General Adam.
"Oh, oh my pain, please don't kill me."
Offended, Margareth raises angrily.
"who you think is yours... when you see that it was General Adam, she apologizes shamefully."
"What's your name, girl?" "Says Adam a little dizzy."
"My name's Margareth, sir."
"And where is this, where are we?"
Margareth looks up admiringly at the blue sky and the coral on the ground, on her back only ruins.
"Odin, I've never seen such a thing for all my life, it would be a crime to call it a freak."
"If it was just you I'd say she's crazy."
"laughs." "for all who inhabited the land... we are under the sea... shouted General Adam."
Upon coming the general shout, John, Sam and the others wake up wondering if they were yesterday.
"oh, by the gods all are alive, my Amanda would be nothing if it were your eyes if you met mine." "says Adam kissing the hand of the captain Sam."
All are gathered and alive, with a cruel doubt hitting the same key.
"If we're under the sea, where's Molly?" "Asked John."
Angry Acilio answers John's question.
"now ask my best men against those demons and you are worried about a ship pestered by little women."
Alyka quickly presses Acilio's neck.
"I'll pretend not to hear this, okay..."
"Acilio sweating cold shakes his head and says yes."
Adam asks the last question a question that would regret bitterly.
"And our prisoner where he's?"
In the sky the immense blue shows the prisoner already airless, becoming lunch of a hungry white shark.
"Your general prisoner is gone."
Commented John, laughing.
"Yes, laughed a lot, my young man, for we shall be next to the creature still hungry..." "run..."
Running desperately in slippery area they hide among the shattered temples beneath the sea.
"this can only be a dream, how can we breathe under the sea?"