“When we think about the specifics of what we would like to manifest in our lives, our visions should feel absolutely yummy: I mean an ‘ooh-that-feels-so-wonderful’ kind of feeling.”
—Will Donnelly
Making the Commitment
You are committed to being single. Gulp! There, I said it. If you are not in a SoulMate relationship, it is because some part of you has chosen to be single. You can protest all you want. If you want a blue Corvette, and don’t have one, it’s the same reason; you are resisting having what you say you want. Most likely you don’t know why this is so… yet. In this chapter I will show you how to use EFT to remove fears and self-limiting beliefs about making a commitment to manifesting the exact SoulMate relationship your heart desires.
Making a commitment to your goal is the first step in manifesting. I said for years that I wanted to do something skillful with my body. It wasn’t until I was 54 that I committed to doing something about it. I started karate lessons. I am currently a Brown Belt and have committed to becoming a Black Belt by 60. I made the commitment to having what I wanted. Until I made the commitment, nothing happened. Once I did, opportunities came to me in unexpected ways, including a free trip to karate camp.
That is why we are starting with making a commitment first. Without it, nothing will happen. To manifest your Soulmate, you need to consciously choose and commit to having exactly what you want. In other words, commitment and clarity go hand in hand. Without this, what you manifest comes out of your unconscious, confirming every fear about men/women, dating, commitment, sex and marriage that lies buried beneath the surface.
Most people think manifesting a SoulMate will just happen – that it’s a matter of luck, knowing how to flirt or being in the right location. Not so. It’s a matter of inner preparation. Think about it; if you wanted to advance in your career or get into the best shape of your life, would you think it would “just happen” or that it’s a matter of luck, schmoozing or being in the right location? Just like all of life’s other goals, manifesting your SoulMate requires commitment, clarity and action.
Inner preparation requires a specific kind of attention to inner cues. Perhaps you feel a sense of dissatisfaction, restlessness, frustration or yearning. That feeling might sound like “Is that all there is?” You become aware of a desire because of an epiphany, insight or the inspiration of someone who has met and committed to their SoulMate – if they can do it, so can you! Learning to listen to those inner cues, or the still, small voice within, is learning to listen to the voice of Spirit calling you to be something more.
There is magic and power in making a commitment to manifest your SoulMate. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” Once you make a commitment, gain clarity and clear blocking fears and self-limiting beliefs, amazing things start to happen. Synchronistic things start to happen that confirm that you are in alignment with what you desire.
Commitment is the frame that you put around the picture you’ve painted of your SoulMate. Commit to having all of what you need and some of what you want. Commit to a relationship with your SoulMate that starts immediately.
Your Fairy Godmother Says, “Don’t Waste My Time”
“Who you are committing to is your self. That is the scariest part. Any commitment you make is always between you and your self. The difficulty with that is we are creatures of excuses. The only person you let down or satisfy by your commitment is your self. Commitment opens the door for passion to emerge.
“If you can’t commit 100 percent to having what you want, don’t even bother trying to manifest anything new. It won’t work. Yes, you deserve to have the best that love and life has to offer. The catch is that you have to commit to having it. Don’t settle for less. Don’t make me wave my magic wand over you for nothing!”