Chapter 21 - Get the Fuck OUT

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-Hinata's POV-


"Where to today Kageyama-Kun?" I ask, still sprawled on the bed and trying to pry my eyes open.

"I'm thinking we should just go check out the town, ya know? Get a feel of the place before we do anything drastic."

"Sounds good! But can we get breakfast first? I'm starving!" I say, as i place my hand on my stomach and over-exaggerate my pain by shriveling into a lump.

"Yeah, sure. You need to get out of bed though first, or else we can't go anywhere." He says smugly, then jumping onto the bed with his shirt half-assed and thrown on, grabbing my foot and dragging me off into the floor.

"Ouch Kageyama!" I say in pain, rubbing my back gently

"Need me to kiss it better?" He laughs

"I'm fine thank you very much!" I say sarcastically and stand up, grabbing my clothes and throwing them on, before running out of the door and into the hallway.

"Dumbass you haven't even brushed your hair or your teeth!" He screams to me as i'm already half way down the hall. I hear the door shut and his footsteps following quickly behind me. "Hinata! Wait up!"

I don't listen, i continue to run and run all the way into the elevator, pressing the button multiple times until the doors open. I slide in and click the close button as fast as possible.

"C'mon close, close, close!" I chant to myself, still pressing the button. But sadly i'm not fast enough, Kageyama slides in right before the doors close. He's out of breath and panting. Both hands resting on his knees as he's hunched over, catching his breath.

"S...stupid Hinata" he says, breathless. I all but giggle to myself and nothing is said the rest of the way down to the ground floor.

The doors slide open and we head towards the restaurant. We're greeted by a female waitress, short and young looking.

"How may I help you today?" She asks politely

"Table for two please..." Kageyama speaks up.

"Right this way masters." She says as she turns around and quickly walks away. We follow her to the other side of the restaurant area and are seated at a nice window seat, outside there's a small pond and some ornaments. The sun is really bright and just sitting here is making me sweat. But it looks kind of dark outside at the same time, strange.

"Kageyama-Kunnnn" I whine

"What is it Hinata?" He responds bluntly, looking at the menu.

"It's too warm to go out walking around"

"Too bad, we have to make the most of while we're here." He says, still looking at the menu.

I cross my arms and slouch back in my chair, pouting and staring at Kageyama, hoping to attract his attention. He glares up at me, sighs, then looks back to the menu.

"Fine, i'll give you a piggyback if you get tired. Deal?" He offers, slightly smirking implying that he planned to give me a piggyback anyways.

"Yay!" I yell out, a little too loud that the whole restaurant hears.

Soon after the waitress comes to out table again and asks us what we want to eat.

"Um, I'll have the egg rice omelet please." Kageyama says, glancing up at the waitress after he's spoken.

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