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Every since we found out Aaliyah was cheating on Damon it's kinda been on my mind. I never would've put Aaliyah as the cheating type. But I'm not gonna say anything cause DeVante feels it isn't my place to tell. But it's eating me up.

"Hey Selena.", Chris said walking in

"Hey.", I said waving him off

"Where's Santana.", Chris asked

"Sleep.", I tell him as he goes in her room and quietly picks her up where to a point her head is on his shoulder

"We out.", Chris said gently

"Chris, how do you know Aaliyah.", I asked him before he went out the house

"Our dad are friends it's a long story how but they are.", Chris said leaving the house


Selena is still caught up about the whole Aaliyah thing. She needs to learn to let it go and let Dame found out his self.

"Wassup DeVante.", JoJo said shaking my head

"Nothing much JoJo wassup with you.", I asked him

"Same.", JoJo says grabbing a 40

"NIGGAHS!", Lisa said walking in with Selena and Aaliyah and Damon

"Damn girl.", JoJo says touching his ears

"You loud as hell.", I say as Selena and Aaliyah laugh

"Sup Vante.", Aaliyah says sitting beside Lisa

"Aaliyah.", I smirked as Selena gives me that "really" look

"DeVante.", Selena scolds

"How you doing lil mama.", I say as Selena lifts her eyebrows

"Flirty much,how you doing DeVante.", Dame says as me and watch Selena walk away

"Good Bruh.", I smile as Damon heads towards Aaliyah and kiss her cheek


Honestly when Damon kissed my cheek, I felt disgusted. His lips aren't Chris. Chris lips are soft and perfect and they fit well between mine.

"I gotta go.", I say unlocking myself from Damon embrace

"But we just got here.", He say confuse

"I know I'll see you later.", I say leaving as the rest of them give me confuse faces


It's strange Aaliyah just left. So me and Selena decide it's time to go. Till I thought came in my head

"You know we should go follow Aaliyah.", I tell her

"But I thought you wanted us to mind our own business.", Selena tells me

"We should but we shouldn't snitch we should find out who she creeping with.", I tell her

"Let's do it.", Selena smiles


As Devante and I follow, Aaliyah car. We see she parked her car in some nice looking building. As Devante and I wait we see some black haired guy open it for her. Then that's where I notice it the guy is Chris.

"Is that yo ol dude.", DeVante asked in shock

"Chris.", I say in shock

"Wait so Aaliyah cheating on Dame with him.", DeVante says still in shocked

"DeVante take me home.", I tell him looking down

"Ok.", DeVante says looking at me


Selena seems a bit down since we found out that Aaliyah is sexing Chris.

"Selena you ok.", I ask her

"Yeah, thank for bringing me home.", Selena said going in her house

"Ok.", I muttered


I just needed to be left alone. I can't believe my so called friend is dating my ex.

"Selena what's wrong.", My mom asks me

"Nothing just tired.", I tell her

"Ok mija.", My mom says kissing my temple and leaving

"My so called friend is fooling with my ex.", I say in disgust

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