Chapter 4

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A/N: I lied, this chapter will still be from Emma's perspective. I apologize for the late update. I had a chapter ready that wasn't from Emma's perspective, but I didn't like that chapter, so I wrote a new one which is still from her perspective. There will be a chapter in the future from a different character's perspective. I've been super busy lately, and Wattpad slipped to the back of my mind. Anyway, here's the chapter.

All of them sat in shock and silence as they stared at the blood stain that was once Hayley Erbert on the hard, cold, cement. No one spoke for at least a good hour before Sharna broke the silence and said, "She was too young to go."

Those words triggered the tears that came from everyone. There were the silent tears that rolled down Emma's face and the loud cries from Jenna as they all mourned for their lost friend. Emma stared in hatred at the chains that chained herself to the wall. If those chains weren't there, she could've fought the men, and kept them away from her friend. Those chains were her enemy.

"We must give Hayley a proper goodbye," Emma said suddenly. Everyone looked at her, and then at the blood-stained cement. The room was quiet for a while after those words before Jenna broke the silence.

"Hayley Erbert was one of my best friends and one of the most optimistic people I knew," Jenna whispered, "She deserved a long, happy, life."

Lindsay joined in and whispered, "Hayley was one of the most talented dancers I've ever met and her sense of humor was amazing. I'll miss her."

Sharna started speaking next, "Hayley was like my little sister, and I'll never forget her."

Emma started talking too, her chest heaving with effort, "Hayley Erbert will never be forgotten. She was courageous, smart, and funny. She deserved so much more."

Tears poured out of everyone's eyes again as they told stories about Hayley. Finally, Lindsay said, "Thank you, Hayley, for everything you've done to us. We promise to never forget you."

The room went into silence again before shouts came from upstairs. Emma looked up in curiosity and struggled to hear what was being said. 

"Why did you kill her?" a voice screamed.

"We had to, to force obedience!" another voice cried.

"What's the point of that? We won't be able to get the money back, just chaining them is enough!" the voice screamed in anger. 

"Does it really matter? We've already got a client coming in tomorrow and you know he always overprices everything. All four of them will probably be gone by morning," the voice yelled.

"There's no way he will purchase all four at once. He's the only client we have lined up and if he realized that, he will undervalue," another voice argued back.

Emma heard something shatter and a scream upstairs before all went quiet. She stared in horror at the other three girls. They didn't have the time to escape, there was nothing they could do. If they had more time, they might be able to figure out how to undo their chains and get out, but there wasn't time to do any of that. 


Emma wasn't sure when or how she fell asleep, but she knew she made a mistake as soon as she woke up. The trapdoor slammed shut and jolted her awake. She looked to each side of her and saw Jenna and Sharna peacefully sleeping while Lindsay looked as though she hadn't slept in weeks. 

"Up, up! Everyone wake up!" a man ordered. Jenna and Sharna jolted awake as well and stared at the man in the middle of the room. Emma rubbed her eyes and examined the man carefully. He was tall and well built with dark brown, messy, long hair. His shoulders were straight and he stood with an air of confidence about him. Emma then looked at his eyes, he had dark green, large, piercing eyes that she recognized. He was the man who had knocked her unconscious days ago when they were first captured. 

Lindsay was the closest to the water pump and her chains were long enough to allow her to pump water. Emma winced at the squeaky sound of the pump as Lindsay got water for Jenna and Sharna. Lindsay then gave a bottle to Emma and Emma gratefully drank it. The water tasted sour and bad but tasted like heaven in Emma's dry throat.

The man immediately brandished a knife and said, "Now, I want no funny business. We have a client coming in two hours and you four need to look presentable. Your chains will be removed and you will be led to a shower one by one. Each person has fifteen minutes in the shower and that's it. There are no windows in the shower room and there will be a guard outside at all time. Understood?"

The man didn't wait for a response before looking at Lindsay and said, "You're first." He took out a key and walked forward to Lindsay. Lindsay held up her wrists and Emma heard a small click before the chains fell to the ground. Emma watched as Lindsay rubbed her wrists and was briskly led out of the room by the man. The trapdoor slammed shut as soon as she left. 

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