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*Authors note, this is a warning there is a rape scene in the chapter. If you are sensitive or do not like this type of reading please skip this chapter!*

I was 4 years old and starting pre-school when I met him. He was dark and beautiful. Bad fortune just seemed to surrounded him, even at a young age. I was hated by the other kids and so was he, we even hated each other until we were 6. I was atop the monkey bars looking out over the playground after school. He ran up and grabbed my long red braid and pulled me off the top. I landed directly on my back with a hard thomp. We beat each other bloody that day. I ended with two broke ribs, broken leg, and a dislocated left shoulder. He ended with two broken arms and a split in his head.

We were put next to each other in the hospital, the doctor couldn't explain how we got or delt those injuries. "Two small children couldn't have been this violent or stong to deal the amount of force it takes to break a bone" They thought we were lying, that we were covering for an older student that beat us up. No matter how many times they questioned us they always got the same story. From that day on Alec and I were best friends.

The teachers were afraid to separate us because once separated our attendance, behavior, and grade all went down. All the students were afraid to mess with us. We would beat up the older kids for trying to pick on us and the other kids. When we weren't together we were weak. I couldn't focused on learning our language because Alec wasn't right there beside me, I was terrified of other students without him backing me up. It wasn't safe to be away from him and I knew that.

The older I got the more curious I became of the secret in the house, and Alec was just as curious as I was. He would come over and we would crawl through the vent in our massive house to over hear the adults, but some how we were always caught or they would just stop talking and move to another room.

By 4th grade Alec had moved in with us. His parents presumed dead after being missing with no trace for 3 years. My mother, Cornelia, was happy to take him in and care for him like her own child. She encouraged us to be close and told Alec "you must never leave Scarlets side, you understand. You need to protect her." I never understood what she meant until later.

By 12 I was in love with him. It was an innocent kind of love, pure and completely untainted. I didn't want to live without him. I was violent like a wild fire that destroyed everything in its path, and he was my wall that kept it from burning anything important. Everytime I recall my childhood it is memories of him, my parents pushing for us to become close, us taking family trips. I don't have very many memories with out him. Alec asked me to the middle school winter formal in 7th grade, and he kissed me for the first time. We grew closer then ever and even more in separable.

Then she came. She was like the black plague to our relationship. I hated Ivy, she was as poisonous as her name. She came between us and stole my Alec, he became her Alec.  From there I spiraled. My rock, my wall was gone, and God help anyone who got into my path during that year.

I was partying every night, at times I wouldn't come home because I would be so wasted. Smoking weed, sex with men and woman alike. People came in and out of my life like a hurrican. I out drank and took any challenge that came at me, I wasn't scared of anything. I got arrested 12 times during my rebelic rampage. Majority assault charges, or underage possession of some type of substance. I believed I was having fun, I believed this was who I was and I never wanted the partying to end. But all good things must end...even if it isn't all good.

It all came to an end in the middle of my Freshman summer in high school. This party was different, it had a weird feeling. It was like everyone knew a secret I didn't. Again I was in the dark. Then I understood. They seem him spike my drink, but they didn't say anything. Ivy forced everyone to keep it a secret. It was her idea and everyone went along with it.

I started to become tired, wobbly, lethargic, then it went black. Someone spiked my drink, I woke up in a new house with a new guy. He was the a new kid in our school this last year, 6 ft 6 and pure muscle. I didn't stand a chance.
"Are you ready sweet thing? This will be the best night of your life." He lied.
I screamed and yelled for help, but no one came. No one ever came to safe me. "Get off me! I don't like or want to! I said no get off me!" It didn't help. He stepped towards me and I pushed my self backwards still weak from the drugs. "Don't you dare pull away from me, it will just make it worse for you." I wish I would have listened. He grabbed my hair and threw me across the room ripping out large pieces as he released.  "You asked for it kitty." I look up to see his fist heading for my face then it was black again.

When I awoke I was cuffed to the bed, a sharp pain in my head was instantaneous when I opened my eyes. I could smell my own blood running down my cheek from where he punched. I pulled on the cuffs, but it was apparent that I wasn't going anywhere. A hear a snap and feel searing pain between my thighs, "oh honey, if you keep struggling you will be in even worse pain then you are right now. This is my soft whip don't make me get out my cat tail." I thought do I sit here and take this? I guess I don't really have much of a choice. Where was Alec? Why did Ivy do this to me, and did Alec know about it? He starts to take off his clothes and it finally clicks in my head; I knew what he was going to do, I knew I had no choice but to take it. He got on top of me and started to kiss my neck down to my nipples, stopping only to suck for a few moments before continuing down my stomach then to my hips. His hand reaches to the night stand beside the bed to grabs a condom. "I may be taking this forcibly, but I still don't want a kid with you. It would be just as fucked up and ugly as you." He sneered.
"How charming you are." I sarcastically say to him.
"Damn right sweet heart." He pulled my hair leaning my head to the side and started kissing my neck again, I felt his hand drift down the side of my body towards my sensitive parts. His fingers start to play with my clit, I tried to pull away but with his weight on top of me and the cuffs I couldn't move. Then his fingers suddenly plunged in to me, moving up and down. It felt good, but I didn't want it; I never wanted any of that to happen. "Oh wow honey for someone who doesn't want this you sure are wet."
"It's a human reaction you dirty stupid scum, your ignorance is appalling. It's no wonder you have to rape to get laid."
"You will regret those words sweet heart." He wasn't lying I did regret my words. He was a sadist, enjoyed causing woman pain. He loved to hear them scream and beg for mercy. He never heard me scream, I refused to give him that satisfaction.

He plunged into me, pumping in and out while choking me. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move, I couldn't think.  My vision started to cut out, I passed out because of lack of oxygen. I woke up to him slapping me. "Oh no honey you aren't going to check out while I fucking you" little did you know I had already completely checked out of my body, I was somewhere else in my head. I never realized when he stopped or un-cuffed me. I only came back out of my head when he was dumping my outside in my front lawn the next morning. I remember the feeling of the cool wet grass on my body. He barely put clothing back on me before he dumped my number body. I was looking up at the early morning sky, listening to the birds sing their beautiful melody, then darkness started to creep into my vision and the screeching sound of my mother yelling for me....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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