Who are you? Meliodas

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      I walked though the woods, leaves crunching beneath my feet. Suddenly, I heard a twig snap. I froze midstep. "Who's there? Show yourselves!" I yelled, gripping my silver dagger from the strap on my waist but not taking it out. I glanced around warily. I heard a bush rustle behind me and whipped around, releasing my dagger and holding it at an offensive pose with one hand, the other hanging loosely at me side. I saw a young-looking boy with blonde hair, a waist coat, a red tie, and a dangerous-looking sword on his back. Of course, all I could see was the handle so it could be puny. "Who are you?" I asked. He held his hands up, showing that he meant no harm, and said "I'm Meliodas. I own the tavern that way." He said, pointing back the way I just came from "what's you're name?" "My name is (y/n) if you must know." I said, lowering my dagger slightly. I had heard that name somewhere. I just know I have, but where? "Why was a kid like you following me?" I questioned. "I was walking when I heard you so I decided to see if you needed anything!" he said. I wasn't fooled. He's just playing nice. My heads up for a huge reward in every corner of the world. You see... they thing I helped the seven deadly sins kill the king. Of course none of it was true, but my word means nothing to anyone. "Bullshit. What's the real reason. I assume you of all people, being the owner of a tavern, know that my head has a price.  You just want that stupid reward. Everyone's the same. Although, being the leader of the seven deadly sins you may have a different reason for following me." I said. He laughed softly. "I guess you found me out! How's it goin' (y/n)?" he asked. A wide smile broke out onto my face. I've been friends with the sins for as long as I can remember and have always had a slight crush on Meliodas. I just needed to make sure that it was really him. "I've been better. Have you been in touch with Ban lately?" I asked. Ban is my brother. "Yeah, he's back at the tavern, do you want to see him?" he asked. "sure!" I said, ruffling his hair and following him to the tavern.

Time skip

"Hey sis! Wanna drink?" Ban asked. "Sure!" I said as he slid a beer down the bar. Taking a long sip I sat down next to Meliodas. "Hallo!" I said. "hey" he muttered looking a little distant. "What's eatin' ya?" I asked, already feeling the effects of the alcohol seeping in. "Well, there's this girl I like, but I'm not sure if she likes me back, what should I do?" he asked. I felt a slight pang in my heart, but smiled and said "Just tell her how you feel! the worst that can happen is she lets you down easy. if she does, let me know and i'll go out and get you some ice cream!" I said a little to cheerfully. "okay, here it goes. (Y/n)... I like you." he said. My eyes widened and I stared at him. "I-I-I-I-I l-l-l-like y-y-you t-to." I finally stuttered out. He let out a small sigh and leaned foreward and pressed a sweet kiss onto my lips. I smile into the kiss and leaned in and wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist. "Oi! Not in front of me please!" Ban yelled. I pulled away and giggled. That was the beginning of my forever.

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