Chapter Two

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My life was ruined, over with, destroyed, unbearable. Everything I didn't want to happen, happened. My heart ached without her in my life. At that point I hurt so much I just wanted my best friend back. I knew her and I wouldn't last, but I still stayed. I thought my feelings for her would die down over the summer, they never did, they became stronger.

I fell in love with her. I fell in love with her eyes and how they spoke to me when she was happy. I fell in love with her smile and how every time I saw it, my day became a little bit better. I fell in love with the way she spoke and how she used her words. I fell in love with her mind and how she thought with it. I fell in love with her voice and how every time she said my name it gave me butterflies. I fell in love with her weirdness and how random she was. I fell in love with how she bit her lower lip when she was nervous. I fell in love with how she tried her best at everything. I fell in love with her amazing laugh that made something inside my light up. I fell in love with her. Everything about her I loved. I loved her unconditionally. I loved her with all my heart.

School started up and I was worried about seeing her everyday in the halls. Until I found out, she broke up with her boyfriend. We slowly started talking again, more and more each day. It came to the point where it wasn't awkward anymore. Then, all of a sudden, she asked my out. I didn't have to think twice about my answer, I loved her, so of course I said yes. Big mistake. We lasted a week. That happened again, and again, and of course, again... She wasn't ready for a relationship she said, and I believed her.

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