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That night a sound broke the sound of the weeping wife.
Did you know that she slapped me that night daddy?
I was astonished and left with no words to say to mommy.
She then left and shut the door with a bang.
I was left sitting caressing my cheek she slapped.

It hurt daddy.
I was angry but confused.
I was in range yet composed.
I had to hide my emotions because it felt like it.
It felt like I need to do it.

Do you remember when you picked me up at the police station?
You were shocked, I was relieved.
I was covered in a blanket yet it did not hide what was supposed to be hidden.
My white prom dress was covered in blood stains.
My body hurts but my heart felt more pain.
The bruises of my face said it all.

I was abused by mommy.
After you left, that opened a whole chapter of punches, kicks and slaps I received.
She wanted her way with me and I obliged.
I was a reminder of your tragic relationship that shattered in many ways possible.
I hid my emotion in many ways, impossible.

I killed mommy.
I went home after that blissful prom night,
She sat there with a knife on her hand and I saw her murderous eyes on the dim light.
"It's gonna be alright." She then launched at me with the knife.
The rest was history itself carved onto my broken life.

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