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1 hour before Shen's flight lands.

Brad couldn't be any more worried, so many things could go wrong. He puts all of the negative thoughts on mute and focuses on the positive, maybe she will like my place. He thought, as he gets into his car and begins his ride to the airport.

Meanwhile on the plane

Shen is practically hyperventilating in her seat. But she too focuses on the positive. He's probably more worried than I am, Shen thought. I mean what if I find something embarrassing in his house. Shen starts to feel bad, I don't want him to be uncomfortable! That's literally the exact opposite of what I want! Tears begin to well up in her eyes but she holds them back, I can control this. Just don't say anything stupid, Shen says to herself. Just as she does, the captain announces that they are landing. This is it.

Back at the airport

Brad glances at his clock, it reads 11:54 AM. Shen's flight arrives at 12:00 PM, six minutes till the meeting. Brad couldn't control himself, he had never felt so anxious in his life. He began to pace around in a circle, so scared of what was going to happen. He checked his watch and it read 12:07 PM, she should be off the plane by now. Where is sh- Brad's eyes locked on the most stunning, amazing, and beautiful girl he had ever seen. Shenpai.

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