XXI - Friend or Foe

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Hello readers!!!!!
I don't know how am I gonna say this but.....
Thanks guys, without you all I couldn't reached this far! Thank youuu so much for read, comment and vote my story! I'm really happy because of that ;A;

So this is the new chapter for everyone!! I hope you enjoy this chapter! xD

And of course Fairy Tail doesn't belong to me! It's belong to Hiro Mashima! :D

Lucy P.O.V

I woke up and saw that I was inside a room which looked like a jail. I noticed my hands weren't tied by rope or anything else. I guess, the kidnapper was still nice. Or maybe he realized that even if my hands weren't tied by anything, I still couldn't escape. I stood up and walked around, checking this room and the only thing I could see was a place outside the jail, which looked like a laboratorium.

"Please, make yourself comfortable,"

I saw the guy who kidnapped me and a guy with pink-haired.

"Natsu!!!!!" I screamed as hard as I can.

Natsu turned his face around like searching for something. Why didn't he notice me here?

"Natsu, Natsu!!" I called him for many times but he seemed didn't here anything. What the..

"Hey, where's Lucy?" He asked sniffed something suspicious.

"Natsu, I'm here!" I said but it's useless. He couldn't hear me. I felt my tears storming out from my eyes.

Please, hear me.

"Do what I said first then I'll showed you where Lucy is," the guy said.

"No! Showed Lucy first or else I won't do what you said!" Natsu stated with a determined voice.

I could hear the guy growled and then clicked something. After that I heard footsteps were getting closer to my place.

"Lucy!" He reached my head through the  space within the iron jail.

"Natsu," I looked up to him and cried. I saw a worried expression in his face.

"Thank goodness, you're okay!" He smiled and wiped my tears with his hands.

"I'll get you out from here, I promise!" He said as he stood back and went to the guy. I didn't know why, but as he promised me that, my worries were all gone.

"Hey, what's your name?" He asked the guy. I could saw a confused expression from the guy.


"Just tell me,"

"It's Jevar. And now what?"

"Thanks for not hurting Lucy, I really appreciated that," Natsu gave the guy who named Jevar, a small punch on his shoulder. Jevar quite looked surprised but he immediately controlled it.

"Now I'll tell you the offer,"


"I wanted you to make a dangerous virus and the antidote,"

Natsu took time for think and said, "Why should I make a dangerous virus for you?"

"Just make it! I have all of the information about the virus you should make, but I needed you to make it and analyzed it,"

"What makes you thinking that I could make it? You have all the information, why don't you make it by yourself?"

"You could make it. Believe me I've tried a hundred times but keep failing,"

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