Chapter 10: Fame

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I knew I had to tell the world someday that I'm Kat Key, collins and Devan's sister. I saw what collins and Devan have to go threw so I really didn't won't to be part of that world, but I want to post photos of me and my brothers so Yeah. It was Monday so that means Collins is busy making a video, But I heard that their was big announcement mmmmm....... What could it be..... I would find out soon anyway. I knock on Collins' door.

 "Come in Kat" He yelled. I knock on his door a lot so he knows it's me. Ops. So I came in and he was shooting a video.

 "Ops sorry Collins, I'll come back later." I said.

 "No, come here." He said. I walked over and he pulled my arm. "This is my sister everyone go follow her." He said. I was surprised, but just smiled

 "Hi, Don't we look a like :D" I said. I pushed our heads together, Then he push me away and I tripped over his bed. 

"OH MY GOSH are you ok?" said Collins well laughing.

 "Yes I'm ok." I started to laugh too. 

"Wait stay here for a sec." He said. 

"Ok" I said. He did his video and stuff then he snap his fingers, ( I like when he dose that) and got out of the frame. Then grabbed me and put me in the chair. 

"Just act like you don't know how you got here" He said. I smiled and nod. He backed away.

"Whoa! What? COLLINS!" I acted mad. He started to laugh. 

"Your the bomb Kat!" He said. 

"Lol, you too Collins" I said. I got up from the chair, I stop by the door. 

"Oh and collins." I said. 

"Yeah?" He ask. "Thanks" I Smiled at him and he smiled back. I left so he can do what he had to do. Then about 2hrs later my phone stared to buzz LIKE CRAZY! I new he upload the video. 

"WOW!" I said. 

"What so wow!?" Asked Anna. 

"Oh um Collins put me in his video so now keypers are spamming me." I said. She smiled. 

"oh, well isn't that sweet . She said. 

"Yes, yes it is." I said well looking at my phone. I started to take SELIFEs and I realize collins photo bomb them ALL! And Devan too. 

"The photo bombing KINGS!" I said to myself. Then Collins came out from behind me and say..... 

"SELIFE!" And took a pic. 

"Collins!" I yelled well laughing. 

"What, you did smile." He said. Showed me the photo. It was a weird photo, But Collins did a weird face too! He post it on Instagram and I post one too, but this Time on my account. I started to get 1,000s Likes! Wow! I read some of the comments and most were like this --> 

"CAN YOU FOLLOW ME?!" "Ask Collins to follow me" can u ask Devan and Collins to follow me?" "ASK DEVAN TO FOLLOW ME!" " I wish I was u"  yeah I think I'm going to like this. Lol then my twitter start to go crazy, I thought it was going to crash! 

"Devan!" I yelled. He was watching tv and on his phone next to me. 

"Yeah?" He said. 

"How can you keep up with all this?" I ask. 

"You get use to it." He said. 

"Ummm ok." I shut off the thing that tells me that someone tweeted me and on Instagram too. Thats better. I hope I can get use to this soon!

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