3. Atwoods Save the Day!!

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   It was two days before my birthday, and I was hanging out with Noah when he asked the most random question ever.
   " Who are your Favourite Bands?" I obviously go a little crazy because no one is ever usually interested in the kind of music I like. It's a very odd combination.
   " P! ATD, twenty øne piløts, and Alan Walker!" I say. He acts as if he were trying to remember them.
   " Okay, I'll be right back." He says as he runs down the stairs. I just sit there, thinking what he's doing.

   It was the next day, the day before my birthday. This time I was at home, on the couch watching TV. I flip through the channels. Nothing good. I go to YouTube and watch Roman.


I get a text from my Dad.

   Daddy Graceffaleffading- Dong: Hey girly, I hope you enjoy a wonderful birthday. I'm sorry I can't be there, it's a very urgent travel. I have a little puzzle that I set up at home for you to find. The travel had been extended till Monday, next week. It was more urgent than we thought. Sorry love

   Rowan: that's fine, I just hope it isn't bad

   Daddy Graceffaleffading- Dong: it might be... The travel might be extended for longer than Monday too. Your Grandfather from Daniels side is having heart problems, and we also wanted to give you some room at home to be by yourself for a while. If you need anything important, contact Hope.

   Rowan: okay bye Ding dong

   Daddy Graceffaleffading- dong: bye girly.

   I start my puzzle and I ask Ding- Dong about it and he gives me the first hint

Where you enjoy sitting with 1 ❤️S, lift up the ❤️S

Love sack? Under the stairs! I look under the stairs and lift up the love Sack. A price of paper.

Go upstairs and in me and Danni-boys room and look in the master br.

I go upstairs in his room and go into the bathroom. I look everywhere and see a piece of paper sticking out of the mirror.

Look through the  mail from Friday and grab the open envelope. Your prize is inside.

I run back downstairs and look through the mail. I grab an open envelope and open it. There are two private ice rink tickets.

Rowan: why two?

DGLDD: invite a friend. Or Noah ;)

Rowan: Dad! Stop.

DGLDD: okay... But still maybe Noah ;) ;)

Rowan: okay whatever. Bye Ding dong.

DGLDD: bye bye. I ❤️ You.

Rowan: I  ❤️ you too.

I call Noah.

N: hello?

R: hey, my dad said I should invite you with me to the ice Rink tomorrow for my birthday. Wanna come?

N: *whispers* perfect I mean, yeah sure.

R: okay bye

N: bye.

   Now that I have Noah set, I just wait.

   The next day, my birthday, I invite Noah over and Britt because Roman is busy. Noah, Kane, and Britt come over so we can go. I always had ice skates because I liked to skate when I was younger. We go to the rink witch was rented out for me and The other ticket, AKA Noah. I put on my skates and get on the ice. I just do some twirls around. Because I am a Weeaboo, I skate to the intro of Yuri!!! On Ice. I get everything right. Noah , Kane and Britt just watched me. It's my birthday so I can strut my stuff all I want.

Noah's P.O.V. (whaaa??)

   As I watch Rowan skate on the ice, I catch her every move. Rowan is fanomonal at figure skating. I grab my phone and record to send it to Dad.

N: Dad check this out! Rowan's birthday present from Joey.

Ro: wow she's good. You chose a pretty talented girl.

N: dad don't talk about it!

Ro: okay, well I have to go back on the plane with them, I will be home soon!

Back to Rowan P.O.V.

   I take a break for a bit and just skate around.
   " Rowan!" Noah yells as he skates towards me. He looks down at the skates and panics
   " How do I stop? Help me." Noah says. I reach out to slow him down so the impact won't be bad. He tries to stop, grabbing my hand. I start to go a pink. Don't blush in front of him! He let goes almost immediately after realisation.
   " Sorry, I couldn't slow down," He says. " Can you teach me your ways?" He asks. I nod my head. I teach him basics and he could almost land a triple Axel. It was 5:30 pm, and we went to his house I think. I don't know, I was blindfolded. Noah leads me somewhere.
   " Okay... Take it off." He tells me. I take off the blindfold and stare in awe to see a big banner saying,

_________     _____/___       ________
       |           |       /      |    |             |
       |           |     /        |    |_______|            
       |           |    /         |    |
       |           |_ /_____ |    |

   I look in shock as the banner rises up and reveals the men themselves, TØP.

Shook you could say I was.

   They start on Heavydirtylsoul, my favourite song of all. I sing along to it, quietly though. Then they go through a few other songs.

   After the birthday performance, getting a signed TØP shirt, and a selfie both of them, Roman drops me off at my house.
   " Hey Rowan?" Noah says. He walks up to me and tells me why they did this.
   " Thanks, so much. It means a lot to me," I tell him. First move? I don't think it would be called that... " Hey, Noah?" I ask. He comes to me.
   " What?" He asks. I give him a hug. He jumps at this action, but just embraces it. I let go and walk towards my door when Noah stops me.
   " Rowan. Um... Happy birthday. You're beautiful, you're one of a kind, smile more." He says. I wave bye and enter my house. Then I get in the group with my friends and skype them. They all answer.
   " What's up? Is something wrong? Happy birthday by the way!" They say. I smile bigger than ever.
   " He called me beautiful and one of a kind. We also hugged!" I say. They all squeal.
   " Rowan and Noah! Rowan and Noah!Rowan and Noah!Rowan and Noah!" They chant. I tell them the details and when I was about to leave the call, another person who's camera was off, joined the call.
   " Who is that girls?" I ask. I see them glance up to the corner with the other girls face cam's and they see the person's blacked out screen. Then the person types in the chat.

Unknown: I hear you and Noah hugged. He's my boyfriend. You can't steal him.

Rowan: he isn't dating anyone. Back off. We don't know you. London can hack and find where you live and figure out your information. We warned you. Tell us who you are or London will figure it out.

Unknown: fine, I'll tell you who I am. But tomorrow, meet me at the back of the school. We can settle this >;)

Rowan: fine, deal. Don't catfish me. Remember, London. 8_ 697 '@5_8#- ?3, 697 28)) ;3 #9446.

   I say. I leave the call and get ready to go to sleep. I have my phone next to me, and I scroll through texts when I get one from Noah.

N: hey, sorry about earlier.

R: it's fine. Thanks again for my birthday gift.

N: well, I have to go to bed, bye

R: bye.

Well... Thanks for actually bothering to read. I'll see y'all later Bai!

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