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“If you open that door, I’ll attack you.” putting the folk down. My head turned back around looking at his face, there was no smile. “You’ll have to shift to save yourself.” sliding the chair away from the table and standing up. My stomach started doing flips, and I swallowed hard. He wasn’t playing with me, and the closer he got the more I wanted to flee. Stopping a few feet from me, we looked at each other.

    “Why wont you let me leave, its clear you don’t want me here.”
    “Don’t assume anything, and I will not have the Monarch’s daughter trapping threw the cold wet snow on my watch.” taking another step closer.
    “I’ll call a cab, or Sam. So I wont be trapping anywhere.” thinning my eyes.
    “Why so you can go back to your home, you’ll shift faster then you did here.”
    “I wont go home, then” growling in utter dislike.
    “So you’ll tuck tail to your pup, is that it?” He snarled at me, giving me a clear warning not to say yes.

    “What’s with you? Why do you hate the other male so much? And why are you always saying I’ll run back to him, what’s your problem.” gripping the handles to my bag.
    “None of your business” grabbing my bag from me and tossing it all the way to the sofa.
    “It is my business when you keep bring me up.” yelling. Wasting no time in grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the hallway.
    “You’ll do as I tell you, as of today I’m your Alpha.” Pushing me on the sofa and hitting my bag.
    “Like hell you are, I don’t need an Alpha or you. What right do you have” Getting up and heading for the bottle.

    Again he grabbed me, but this time he pinned me against a wall.
    “You can’t control your own wolf, without me your going to shift again. You could shift anywhere at anytime. You could kill a lot of people, even Sam.” My eyes widened I loved Sam he was my best friend. “You need me to keep you inline, so you’ll do as I say.” Pleased with getting me quiet he looked more closely at my face.
    “To think the Monarch was harboring a daughter no one new about.” Grinning wildly.
    “No” Whispering. He glared at me.
    “No what?”

    “I wont let you be my Alpha, I’ll never go threw that…not ever.” looking away from him.
    “You’d rather kill your friends, or shift at a school where children play? Instead of being under me?” Sounding like I insulted him, he had it all wrong.
    “The Monarch wasn’t harboring me, I ran away.” Keeping my face hidden and holding my tears. Feeling the frantic glow of his eyes he shook me lightly to continue.
    “I’ll listen to you only when I shift, I will not however follow your orders when I am myself.” still not looking at him.

    “Why?” squeezing my shoulders.
    “You’re an Alpha, that question seems a bit redundant does it not?” Sighing as he clearly didn’t understand what I was talking about. So I continued, taking a long deep breath,
    “Every wolf knows that if a male is born from the Monarch, he will be the new Monarch some day. However when a female is born she is to be paired with the next strongest Alpha, so that he may become the new Monarch. This insures the blood line has some history.” Turning to him, his face gave away that he was listening.

    “I am and was given to a strong Alpha, but he wasn’t right. And my father feared for me, because I am only a half breed. He tried to cover it up, and say I wasn’t born of his seed and that I was adopted threw my mother. Giving me the pills was a way to keep my wolf hidden and as you already know I don’t smell like a wolf nor a human. I disappeared one night, leaving only a clue for my father.” He kept quiet waiting for more.

    “The Monarch has been trying to change the ruling on a female decedent from having to be wed off to a strong male, and have it wear she is allow to choose. The ruling has failed to pass several times.” Feeling the tears building up. “If I am found, I will be returned to….. him…. And my father will surly be punished.” I lost a tear. He finally asked a question.
    “How long….have you been hiding?”
    “8 years” I answered without skipping a beat, I knew how many day, hours and minutes as well. He didn’t speak so I did.

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