High School : torture at its finest !

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Hi , my name is Sandy.

I'm 17-1/2 years old . I live ----

Well I can't tell you that its my personal information . I'll like to know all about you guys . Those of you who are reading my story . Right here , right NOW . I mean am I the only one who hates high school so much or does anyone agree with me ..?

But I'm not here to talk about myself but am going to share the pain and suffering I go through every single day of my life . You can always confide in me too . After all only a student understands a students problems. Right ?

So whose with me ? Comment below if you want me to start this personal high school experience of mine . Maybe theres something to learn from it . After all we do learn from each others mistakes .

Im gonna start anyway . These writings are a way of taking out my suppressed negative energy . Its very handy . You guys should try it too .

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