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Your P.O.V

You woke up after a long weekend, Your head was throbbing and all you wanted was for it to stop. Rolling over onto your side. Your body lands onto something. Slowly opening your eyes to see what it was, you noticed it wasn't your room but a hotel room looking around the room you see your clothes along with another's scattered around the room turning your head back to the person in the bed with you. 

Your eyes meet that of the persons, for a moment both of you don't move until it hits you that you don't know each other. 

"Ahh- who are you?" you scream " Who are you?!" he asks "I asked first" you shoot back "I'm Choi Seungcheol now who are you?!" he asked again "I'm y/n l/n." you reply. 

After a long pause he looks down at himself and realized he doesn't have any clothes on he pulls the covers off of you revealing your body. You look at yourself before screaming and pulling the covers away from him and back to you. 

"I-I'm sorry!" he said turning the other way. "Don't you dare turn around" you said slowly getting up from the bed 

"Ye-s ma'am" seungcheol stuttered. You continued to move slowly and make your way off the bed and into the bathroom where you locked yourself inside, you took a moment to look into the mirror and analyze yourself. 

You had marks all over your chest area and you could feel something coming out from inside of you. 

"Are you ok?" seungcheol asked nervously from the other side of the door. "We...We had..." you stuttered "I know...I'm so sorry." seungcheol apologized "Why are you saying sorry... It's my fault too." you say sobbing softly.

 You let your body sink onto the floor and sit there and cry to yourself for a while, it didn't take long for you to stop crying. You had heard him talking on the phone with someone so you wanted to listen to what he was saying so you got up and put your ear up to the door and took slow deep breaths so you could hear clearly "I think we maybe in a hotel somewhere, no she's in the bathroom..... No I don't think she knows who I am yet." 

  You could hear him talking to the person on the other end of the phone and from what it seemed the person had asked him to leave before you came out of the bathroom but he said he wanted to make sure you were alright before he just left you.

You could hear his footsteps shuffle around the room then them coming closer, you then felt a soft knock on the door that vibrated on your ear. "I have your clothes here, do you want them?" he asked in a sweet tone. 

You didn't reply instead you just listened, you could hear him sitting himself on the floor "I'll stay until you're ready to talk then." he said. 

You didn't know why but you started to feel a bit bad about not answering and making him sit on the cold marble floor outside the bathroom. "You don't have to stay with me you know." you say to him 

"It's okay, I want to stay... Just take your time." seungcheol told you. "You were a virgin, I was gentle and I put meaning into it....If that helps" he told you "T-thank you." you said crying again. "Don't cry, I promise to take responsibility for what happened." seungcheol told you "No, it's okay....I mean....You really don't have too." You stumbled over your words. 

You could hear seungcheol let out a soft sigh before his phone rang again and the sounds of his feet running to answer it could be heard. It didn't take long for him to return this time "Someone is coming up, want to put on your clothes?" seungcheol asked. 

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