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(His outfit)

1 month after 

Your P.O.V

The incident happened about 1 months ago and you've gone back to your life well kind of. You haven't went anywhere aside from school and the store. You haven't really talked to your friends either, they thought you were dead at one point but after you told them what happened they were really understanding. You didn't tell them who the person was of course. At first, you didn't even know who seungcheol was until he told you that he was the leader of a group called seventeen. 

You only know a couple of groups considering you've only just got into kpop a couple of months ago. (I'm pretty sure everyone who reads this has liked kpop as long as I have 'since the beginning of my middle school year ^^' or maybe longer than me.) sometimes You think it might be either fate or destiny....Or god just really has a sense of humor. 

Seungcheol has been keeping tabs on you and he's even come over a couple of time and spent a night or two. You guys kinda started dating even though you didn't give him a straight answer but he said that no matter what he's gonna stay, which you don't mind but you fear for your life at the moment. 

You're just waiting for the day when people find out about you two and you're killed by the crazy fans. You even dream about it which you come out of it screaming and fighting. One time when seungcheol was here you had a nightmare about it and accidentally punched him in his face when he came to help you out. 

He didn't get mad but instead slept in the room with you that night which in your case was a little awkward, your life has always been awkward though when it comes to you and guys. You are not good and tend to tense up and even scream or freak out which guys sometimes find cute or find crazy. 

"That's all for today." Mr. Kim said 

After hearing class was over you gathered your things and started for the door "Y/N! Come on hangout with us today." Your friend Jinwoo called 

You turned to look at him and slowly make your way toward your group of friends "You promise we won't go anywhere that involves clubbing and partying?" You asked "We promise." your friend Jaeun smiled "okay I'll go." you sighed. Your friends cheered and grabbed you by both arms dragging you out the classroom. 

"Don't drag me." You say pulling away Jinsoo chuckles and takes your arm again "We're just excited you've been avoiding us, it made us sad." jinwoo said cuddling in your arm. You giggle a bit and rub Jinwoo head "I'm sorry." you say "No it's ok...I would be the same if that happened to me.....Buuuutttt I'm not a virgin like you.... or a girl.....Well were....Wait what am I even saying?" Kono said 

"Kono your Korean gets better everyday." Your friend Chun-tao laughed "You're no different from me, you suck at korean more than me chinese brat."  Kono snarled "Who are you calling a chinese brat....You....You...Japanese whore!" Chun-tao stumbled. 

"That was smooth chun chun." Zaire laughed. "Shut up zaire!" Chun-tao and Kono yelled together. "Sorry....Geez." zaire said putting his hands up. You laughed and watched your friends argue and fight all the way to the front gate. 

You and your friends were on the way out of the gate when you noticed a familiar van, it was the one that seventeen used to get around to go places. Seeing as though you wanted to hangout with your friends and you promised to hangout with them, you ignored the van and kept walking with them. 

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