Good Girl Has A Handgun

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Cecelia's POV

I walked to class, holding on to my jacket sleve so no one could see the bruise on my arm. This is the last period of the day and I'm dreading it! I know I'm not supposed to like home, but I hate. Every since my mom left, my dad has been depressed, and then started drinking. And all that caused no one else pain, except me.

"Hey, Delya." I sat next to my BFFWWNLMSNMW (best friend forever who will never leave my side no matter what).

"Hey, Cece!" Delya exclaimed. Delya is my only friend, and the only one who knows about my dad. But sometimes I think she's treating me like I'm some kind of charity case. "Oh, my Gosh! Did 'he' do this to you!?" she half-whispered, putting emphis on he.

"Keep it down! And no, I tripped and fell down the stairs!" I stated sarcastically.

"Are you okay? You should tell the police."

"I know, but if I do, he'll probably escape prision and abuse me even more."

"Well, if you tell someone," Delya paused,"and he escapes jail, you'll be at my house!"

"He knows where you live." I said, unsatisfactory growing inside me.

"Then get an apart-"

"Settle down class!" Mrs. Grapling yelled through the booming voices.

When I heard the BRINNNNG of the bell, I was terrified to go home. Terrified is an understatement. Terribly horrified is more like it. I walked out the room, out the building, and out of my own world. When I approached the front door, I gathered all my courage to go inside, inside to my dad's hell hole.


Sorry it's probably short and bad, but I have to go!! Please comment!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2012 ⏰

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