2 jealousy

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* wriggles eyebrows* bet you can see where this is going!

You had dropped your prey on the pile and walked off, sitting by Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw who seemed to be lost in thought and eating his mouse.

The ginger she-cat greeted you with a meow and started complaining about how Brambleclaw was always lost in thought. You purred in amusement as the tabby heard his name and locked onto the endless complaints spewing from her.

"Sounds like you have endless things to say." you mewed to her

You both purred and you flicked the annoyed tabby on the ears with your tail when you heard someone calling you.

You looked and saw Ashfur. You gave him a questioning stare before standing and walking over to him.

"Do you need something?" you asked

"Not really..... I was just wondering what you were talking about." he mewed coolly

"Nothing important. Just teasing Brambleclaw." you purred at the memory

You thought you saw a flash of envy in his eyes but it disappeared so quickly you thought you imagined it. You where about to walk away, back to Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw when Ashfur asked,

"D-do you want to share prey?"

You looked back at him, hesitating before nodding encouragingly,

"I'm hungry anyways." and sitting down to wait as he went to get something.

He came back with a large rabbit, setting it down and both of you began to eat.

Once you finished you groomed your fur till it was soft and shined in the moon light.

You told him you where going to sleep and walked to the den. You settled in your nest and not long after Ashfur came in and settled in his nest, which had some how gotten closer to yours but you didn't really care as long as you got your sleep.



The next morning you woke up early so you decided to go out for a walk. You where walking along the Shadowclan border when you saw another cat walking towards you, the smell of Shadowclan filled your senses and your fur instinctively bushed up and your claws unsheathed.

(gonna make up a cat for the purpose of le plot)

"Woah there! I'm no threat! I just wanted to know what a beautiful she-cat like you is doing out so early in the morning." the dark grey tom mewed

You relaxed and answered, "non of your buisne- did you call me beautiful?"

"Yep. Cant help it! Your fur is so shiny and your eyes match your fur perfectly!"

Your ears heated up in embarrassment at the enemy cats words.

"U-uh I should go! If I don't get back my clan will worry!" you mewed hastily

"Wait!" he called before you could start running, "can.... Can we meet here again?"

You turned and then gave a slow nod.

"I'm Raincloud" (took me forever to come up with a name)

"I'm Y/n"

"We can meet here at dawn. Sound ok?"

"Yea. I'm looking forward to it!"

Ashfur x reader yandereWhere stories live. Discover now