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joshs pov


"josh?" mom called out from the car, "youre gonna be late. josh..?"

"im coming." i ran down the stairs, my faded red hair stuck up everywhere and my shirt was half-way tucked into my jeans. mom laughed at the sight of me.

"its a new school. you couldnt be bothered to wear something eye catching??" she emphasized "eye catching." pssh. as if. i didnt even want to go to this school. i was used to my old high school. i was somebody there. not here. not at a place where nobody knows me.


"are you sure this is the right place..?" i asked my mother as we pulled up to a building that looked.. i couldnt quite find a word to describe the place. it looked old. with dark green moss running down the sides and front of the building. the walls were gray and bland with visible cracks in them. it would seem abandoned if it werent for the teenagers standing outside of it.

"yep. owlers high." my mom ushered me out the car, but not before saying goodbye and practically tackling me for a kiss on the cheek. she drove away right after i stepped foot onto the dry grass of the courtyard.


"hi im j-" the blonde girl snickered at me and walked away before i could even finish my sentence, "josh..." i sighed before returning to staring down at the floor and trying to find someone, anyone, who would at least talk to me. it was eighth period. art. my last class of the day and no one bothered to even look at the red haired boy. it was then when i caught someones eyes looking back into my own.

"you look lost," the boy frowned, "are you lost?"

"you could say that..," i chuckled softly.

"oh. well maybe i could help you. oh! im tyler by the way!" the boys eyes were brown. but not the boring brown. his eyes shone brightly. 

"hi tyler. my names joshua but you can call me josh."

"cool! im gonna call you..," the boy paused, "joshy!" tylers eyes danced as they darted around the half empty classroom. the teacher wasnt here yet but i had hoped hed get here soon. tyler looked like he might spontaneously combust at any second. "oh yeah! im supposed to help you. this is the art class. the teacher is pretty cool, i mean, as cool as a teacher can get. his name is mr. urie and he always wears sparkly clothes but as far as we know hes not gay. i think hes bisexual. oh look there he is." he pointed to the door where a man with a rather large forehead and black rimmed glasses walked in. he looked pretty intimidating minus the fact that he was wearing a sparkly blue blazer with golden high tops.

"afternoon people," mr. urie sighed as he picked up the dry erase marker and wrote our assignment on the board. 'sketch/draw something dear to you.' easy. i picked up a .4 sketch pencil and began to outline the drum set we have in our basement. i was pretty decent at the drums and they always helped me to get my mind off things when i was stressed or overthinking a bit so they were close enough to an object dear to me.

out of the corner of my eye i saw that tyler kid pick up some pencils and water colours. i wonder what hes doing. he seemed focused in his art work so i decided not to bother him since hes the closest thing to a friend ive got here.


our ten minute warning to the final bell was given as i looked back down at the rough sketch of the drum set and decided i was satisfied with it. i added some light colouring and galaxy styled water colouring at the ends of the drum set so it looked like the background of the sketch was galaxyish. i looked to my right where tyler was sitting and saw him finishing up a pair of eyes that seemed to glow bright neon yellow (hahaha you all love me). "thats cool," tyler flinched at his words, "really. i dont think i could ever have that much talent."

"you really like it..?" tyler asked. he was quiet. he sounded like he never got a compliment in his life. i nodded happily.

"its really cool but what does it mean? are your eyes dear to you..," i asked, clearly confused. he quickly looked down at his paper before looking back up to meet my eyes.

"its called 'glowing eyes'. its not that my eyes are dear to me, which they are, but its the metaphor of brightness, obviously, the glow in the eyes indicated brightness which could mean creativity, happiness, or anything like that. in this metaphor it indicates creativity. my creativity is very close to me since its all i have to stay known in this school because if i didnt have creativity i wouldnt be as important as every other person in the world, not that im important or anything, just.. i dont know. the eyes represent my creativity and how i hold that very close to my heart and brain."

"wow. th-thats amazing," i stuttered, genuinely surprised at what he had just said. all of that meaning into one sketch. all mine was was that it was about me taking my anger and stress out on an instrument. not very creative if you ask, well, anyone. tyler smiled brightly before staring at his class work.


"hey josh! how was your first day at school?" my mom asked as i walked through the kitchen door.

"it was fine i guess," that was true. it was fine. nothing special really happened except for eighth period when i had met tyler.

"oh thats great, honey. did you make any friends?"


"oh." she said as i made my way up the stairs, dismissing myself from the conversation. i felt the need to write something. anything. even if it was as simple as,"hello." i wanted to be creative. like tyler. i wanted to be important.


soon enough it was eleven p.m. i had been at my desk for seven hours trying to create something out of words. i even skipped dinner which wasnt a first. all i had written down was "coconut sharks" and a doodle of music notes. i was not a creative person. i was not like tyler. i was not important. "i need to go to bed," i whispered to myself as i dressed into more comfortable clothes and climbed into bed. i am not important.



poor jish. also, ayeeee new fanfic. i promise that i will actually update this one normally. expect like at least three-four updates every month.

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