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I'm anxious to finish this story! Well, for the story to get to the better parts actually.

Another update gone wild.


"Zayn? Zayn?" Safaa called out as the concert ended. She now noticed her only brother had vanished.

"Zayn!" She shouted through the empty car lot.

"Excuse me ma'am but you need to leave. We have to close this section off." A voice said behind her.

"Excuse me sir! You could have said that nicely, but I'm looking for my brother. I lost him during the concert." Safaa frowned at the not so tall man.

"What section did you park in?"


"Well this is A, follow me."


"Please be quiet, I'll lose my job for this, I can't afford that." The man spoke, leading Safaa through the stadium.

"Alr-" She froze.

"Please don't scream!" He begged.

Safaa went wide-eyed.

"One Direction?" She asked.

"Yes, kid. Please, come, I have to get them to their hotel room in a quarter till." The man, Safaa now recognising as Jeff, the lads' designating driver.

"Can I at least say hi?" Safaa asked.

"A minute."


They both walked to the five boys.

"Hey lads, I want you to meet this lass. Say hi, hug, take pictures, but make it quick please." Jeff said, walking away slightly to give privacy.

"What's your name?" Liam asked her.

She smiled.


"Well Safaa, what are you doing roaming this place by yourself." Liam asked again.

"I was looking for my brother, he I guess ran out during the concert." She frowned.

"Black hair? Wearing a red shirt and black jeans?" Niall asked, glancing at Harry.

"Yeah..." Safaa trailed off.

"I seen him run out, looked like the bloke was crying." Louis shrugged.

"Dear heavens." She groaned.

"What's his name?" Harry asked slowly.

"Zen." She smiled politely even though she couldn't stand Harry.

Harry frowned. He remembered a name like Safaa. But the name Zen threw him off.

"Hey kid? We have to go." Jeff came back.

"J, take a picture, will you?" Niall asked.

Safaa handed him her camera and stood in the middle of the four lads.

"Nice meeting you Safaa!" All but Harry called out.

"Nice meeting you too."


"Zayn! Where were you? You just ran out on me like that! Do you know I could have gotten kidnapped, Zayn. Kidnapped! Why'd you leave!? Ugh, in so pissed off at you Zayn. Just take me home." Safaa argued.

Zayn powered his car, driving in silence as Safaa still complained to him.

Not once thanking him because If he wouldn't have ran off, she would have never gotten to meet One Direction.


"Pack your bags, mum is taking us to the states." Zayn mumbled as he opened the front door.

"Then we can go to another One Direction concert?" Safaa asked eagerly.

Zayn simply ignored her, walking to his private room, and locked the door.

Not even thinking, he marched straight to the garbage bin, pulling out the picture of him and Harry and began ripping them.

Yelling, kicking, screaming, cursing, was all that was heard through the silent house.

But not once did Safaa hear , she was down stairs in her room, blasting her music.


"We have been here for three days prior and you have not stepped one foot in the sun Jawaad Malik." His mum yelled at him through his temporarily rented room, in his temporarily rented house.

"I swear you're a vampire since we got here!"

He silently got up, unlocking the door, walking quietly past his mum, to the front door.

He opened it quietly, looking out into the sun. He took his left leg, stepping out onto the porch that was lit by the sun.

He turned around, "Happy?"

"Jawaad Malik! I am your mum and you will not speak to me like that! Go to your room!" She yelled through the house.

He froze, his blood boiling.

"This is why I lock myself in my room when you're home, which is NEVER if you haven't noticed! I'm always taking care of Safaa mum! Always. I can't ever go anywhere without Safaa tagging along! That's why I don't like going anywhere without Safaa because I feel like something's going to go wrong, and her big brother isn't going to be there to comfort her. Dammit mum! I'm sick and tired of this.. This... This shit! I'm hurting mum! Hurting. You don't know why i've been through in the past couple of months, years. Years mum, Years! Because 'you're too busy for my relationships.' I'm gay mum, Gay. Yep, I said it, G. A. Y. You're only son is gay-" Zayn abruptly stopped when a slap came to his face.

"Jawaad, get out of this house. Get out of here NOW! I don't like your tone of voice, and I raised you right, yet you come out to be some.. Disgrace?! I want all if your stuff gone by the time I get home." With that his mum grabbed her purse, and keys and headed out of the door.

"Z-Zayn?" Safaa voiced.

He brushed right pasted her, going to his already packed bags, picking them up.

"Stay Saf, be good for your mum okay?" Zayn said softly, kissing her head.

"Don't go Zayn! Don't! You can't leave me here with her! She's never home! She's never here for me to talk about boys with! To get my nails done! To help me with anything! You're all I have, please don't go." Safaa cried.

"Go wash up, it's getting late." Zayn said frowning.

He sat his clothes back down, changing on spot thinking,

'When she goes to sleep, I'll just leave.'


He waited a good 30 minutes after Safaa went to sleep to get up.

He grabbed his bags, changed into some loose fitted jeans and a plain shirt, slipping on his converse, and sneaking through the house to the front door.

Sneaking out and shutting the door, he quietly made it to his car, turning it on and driving down the street.

"I can't believe this." He mumbled.

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