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Clarissa's POV

The distant sound of bells and howls resonated throughout the forest. My breathing had become labored, my heart erratic, as I sprinted through the foliage and tried to keep ahead of the pack of hunting dog on my tail.

I couldn't let them catch me. I couldn't go back to that place. The things he was doing- making me do- to innocent people were despicable and disgusting. I couldn't do it anymore, couldn't do what he trained me to do. So I ran. Picked up very little and left in the middle of the night. Escaping my father has been my goal since my mother departed.

That was a decade and a year ago. I'm two years from being of age now.

But right now, I just hope that Jonathan isn't with the hunters. He was the only one that could successfully catch me.

I heard the baying of the hounds again, closer this time, and absconded quickly with a flash of adrenaline. Footsteps crashed through the woods, heavy thumping things that chased after me. The hounds snarled and barked as my father's voice rang out:

"Hurry, you numbskulls... before she gets away!" Valentine shouted, the trees echoing his voice. I sent them a silent thanks, before continuing on.

The questions you ponder about the trees can be explained simply:

This world isn't anything like you've seen before. This is the Forbidden Forest; where the Morgenstern's bandit's fortress lay hidden. The creatures that dwell within avoid the camp like a plague, vowing never to go near, for it would be their death.

"Don't worry Father, she hasn't gotten that far. Not on those skinny little legs." Jonathan replied, smugly. His tone weaved with pleasurable desire. "Besides, I've caught her before. I can catch her again."

"You underestimate her, you fool!" Valentine said, icily. "Remember, it was I who trained her all these years. She's my protege, Jonathan, and she's smarter and stronger than eleven years ago."

I didn't care about the knowledge I had gained. I could be as stupid as a pig and be happy. As long as I could be with my mother.

The country of Pyxis is ruled by three kingdoms. The first kingdom is to the North, ruled by King Robert and Queen Maryse who have they have three children, Alexander and Isabelle and Max. The second kingdom is by far the largest, stretching from the coast of the East to the Forests of the West, is ruled by Queen Fairchild. It was said that she had a daughter who gave birth to one child that was a full blooded royal and one child who was born of a commoner, but no one really knows what happened except the daughter. And then, there was the kingdom in the South, ruled by King Stephen and Queen Celine who have one son, Jonathan Christopher, or Jace, as he is so informally called.

After running for what seemed like a fortnight, I burst forth from the foilage and began to run down the dirt covered road. Ahead of me, the path separated into two paths and in the middle was a wooden post with two wooden sign and on the signs were the names of the towns to eithe side. It was a quick, but smart decision. I turned left and ran even quicker than previous, only stopping once my breath stopped. I braced my hands on my knees and listen to the sounds around me, trying to catch anything of a distant bark or yell, but there was nothing. It was silent. No footsteps, except my own. I smiled.

"I'm free." I whispered to myself. "Finally free." My grin widened, even as I began walking again. I pulled my cloak tighter around my body as the wind picked up and ruffled my black tunic. The old children's rhyme my mother taught me rolled through my mind as I gazed at the silky fabric.

"Black for Hunting through the Night,

For Death and Mourning the color's White,

Gold for a Bride in her Wedding Gown,

And Red to Call and Enchantment Down.

White Silk for when our Bodies Burn,

Blue Banners for when the Lost is Returned." I repeated the poem out loud as I walked and was filled with nostalgia, because it was one of the only things I could remember about my mother.

The sound of hooves on rocks, broke me out of my reverie and I began to run again, fearing the worst was to come. But as I waited for the hand of my brother to grab the back of my cloak, I realized that the horses had stopped and that there was an additional sound to the loud hoof beats. The sound of wheels. A carriage. I turned around and saw the gold painted machine. A black bird sigil was painted on the side of the carriage, along with an 'S' that sat underneath.

Years of training, had my hand underneath my cloak, fingering a dagger. It was King Stephen's carriage. The said man stepped out of his ride,after one of his attendants opened the door for him. He was fairly handsome with light brown hair and eyes to match, a strong jaw and sharp cheekbones and he was well muscled with a sword hanging off the side of him. I instantly kneeled down in front of him as he walked towards me, my hand still inside my cloak.

The back hairs on my nape alighted and my grip tightened as I recognized the presence of my brother and his guard.

"Dear girl what are you doing out here?" He said in a smooth voice. Twist the truth, a dark wicked voice told me.

"I was captured, My Lord, and I escaped the clutches of the captors," I said, my eyes still towards the ground. His gaze still upon me. He will not act upon your innocence. The voice said, its tone smooth and low.

I am not innocent. I replied to it in defiance.

"Did you not know that there are bandits around here?" He asked, curiosity coloring his voice.

Why, yes I do, My King. I happen to be the Bandit King's kin. I wanted to say, irritation and nervousness burning within, but held my tongue. Instead, saying:

"My dear King, to no offense, but who do you think took me hostage?" I replied, just a tad cheekily. He laughed, a deep hearty laugh.

"Stand my dear girl. Now, you said that you were taken by them?" I nodded my head, "What's your name?"

"Clarissa Fray, Your Grace," I lifted my gaze to meet his eyes, feigning innocence.

"Well, Clarissa Fray, seeing as I am responsible for my people, I simply cannot leave you out here. Come you shall ride back to the palace with m..." The sound of a battle cry interrupted him and I looked over his shoulder to see one of my brother's guards rush at the King with a sword raised. Quicker than he could process, I pushed the King behind me and grabbed my dagger, spinning it in my hands until I touched the blade and threw it at the bandit. I watched with a sick fascination as it sunk into his body all the way to the hilt.

I turned and gazed back at the King, frowning as my eyes passed the scared attendants. Stephen looked back at me in awe.

"You a'right, King Stephen?" I asked as I bowed formally at the waist, not meeting his eyes.

"Quite alright, thank you," He replied, standing up and brushing himself off. "Now as I was saying before, I wish to invite you to come to the palace to speak with myself and my council about your capture." I answered instantaneously.

"I humbly accept your offer, sire." I replied, bowing once again.

"Well, come on then." King Stephan said, ushering me into the carriage.

Today was the start of a whole new journey.

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