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Alicante the capital city of the Herondale Realm. Nicknamed the City of Glass because of its silver demon towers. It was a beautiful city, with inns and taverns as tall as trees and made out of stone and fine redwood, lanterns decorated every street corner and people wandered about with content and peaceful looks upon their faces. A familiar tune played throughout the marketplace, where we were crossing, making a pleased smile stretch my lips as I watched children race over to the bards to watch them sing and dance.

"Over on the hill
There grows a flower
Growing quicker still
More perfect by the hour
Deep within that flower
Is a tiny chair
All a-fringed with gold
The fairy queen sits there"

Glancing over at the King, I saw his eyes closed and his lips curve upwards as he hummed along with the singer. He was an unusual Royal, kind and selfless and courageous. I've met my fair share of Royalty before and most were arrogant fools, who thought that just because they had land and jewels that they ruled the world you live in. But... King Stephen seemed like a great king with a sense of loyalty to his people. It made me wonder if all royalty was like this.

"It is in her breath
That the wind does blow
It is in her heart
As pure as winter snow
It is in her tears
Crystal raindrops fall
And within her years
That she is in us all
Oh dark eyes
Help me see
Just one look
She is gone
Look on me
We are one
Fading with the setting sun."

"My King?" I said, leaning forward a bit. He gazed down at me questioningly. "Can I take my leave of you for a moment's breath? I would very much like to go and join them in dancing." His eyes spoke of caution, but his smile spoke of a soft joy as he nodded. I returned his smile and jumped out of the carriage as the coachman stopped abruptly, almost sprinting over to the group of singers and dancers.
The song was a tribute to the Seelie Queen, Silarial and it was evident, seeing as her court decided to come and play with the mundanes. They were hauntingly beautiful, all fair skinned and long limbed, they showed unnatural grace in their movements. One dark haired fey pulled me into their dance, his muscular but spindly arms wrapped themselves around me.
"Clarissa Morning Star. I'm astonished you could make it through the city gates, being the daughter of a demon." The fey quipped, grinning a shark's smile. I glared, digging my long fingernails into his flawless skin on his shoulder.
"I did not think that the fey would be able to get into the city either, seeing as you are the children of demons and angels." I snarked back, tightening my hold as the fey-man lifted me into the air and spun.

"As the willow bows
To her majesty
All the forest flowers
Love her mystery
Who would not admire
Who could not adore
Who does not desire
Who wishes to see more?"

"Ah, but we are born of magic, child, we know things that you of Raziel do not." He said, eyes lighting up with amusement. I narrowed my eyes at the dark haired fey as we danced faster, meeting the quickness of the sing beat for beat.
"Born of magic, but feed off the desire and pain of others as true demons do. Tell me, Faerie, is your Seelie Court as beautiful as they say or is it as dark as your people's souls?" I smirked. A low rumble left the sharp toothed man and his grip on my waist was bruising.
"You have a sharp tongue, Morning Star," His lips brushed my ear as he whispered, even as the music stopped. "But the next time you speak blasphemously against my race in front of me, is the day that I'll cut out your tongue and watch you choke on your blood. Wouldn't that be fun, little Shadowhunter?" His tongue darted out of his mouth, red as blood, as he dragged it down the length of my ear. Then he was gone. Out of my grasp, along with the rest of the fey clan, but the mundane folk still clapped away tossing coins at the bards.
The King appeared next to me, grinning down at me like a happy little child. "That was wonderfilled, Clarissa. Your dancing was astounding, you'll have to dance at one of our balls sometime."
"I would... love to, My King." I said, hesitantly. His smile dimmed a bit at that, but he continued anyway.
"Come, it's not very safe after the sun sets," He said, guiding me with a hand on my shoulder.

    When we arrived at his palace, I couldn't help but stare at it in awe

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When we arrived at his palace, I couldn't help but stare at it in awe. The entrance gate was at least a thousand hands high and made out of gold. The castle itself was made out of smoothly polished marble, accented by jade and silver. The front gardens were decorated with plush full bushes of white, red, peach and yellow roses. Yellow tulips, which bloomed in random but wonderful patches, greeted pink petunias, orange chrysanthemums, cerulean blue bells and crimson tiger lillies. Butterflies flitted from flower to flower and fireflies winked at us. I heard a chuckle and turned to Stephen.
"The garden was my wife's idea. You like it?" He asked, curiously.
"Very much so, Your grace. They are very vivid and very beautiful. I remember my mother wanting a garden as big as this. It was one of the only things that kept a smile on her face as she raised me." I paused at the memory. All this was true, although Valentine let her keep a small patch of Midnight Flowers and healing herbs, it never seemed enough for her. I sighed forlorn and glanced up to see King Stephen looking at me with sympathy.
"I beg your pardon, Clarissa, but what happened to your mother?" He asked softly.
"I-i can't remember anymore. We were both captured, brought to Valentine's camp as prisoners. We lived there for years and then one day, for some reason, she left without me." I replied. "But who could blame her? The Bandits of the Forbidden Forest are ruthless in their practices. I would've loved to leave when she did."
"I see... Well, in any case, if need someone to talk to, I'll be here. I'll even be your pseudo-father, if you'd like at times." The King said, patting me on the knee.
"You're very kind, My King." I replied, lowering my eyes.
"My parents taught me to be good to my kingdom and in return, I would reap the benefits. So, I am kind to my people, but firm when dealing with thieves and criminals. I respect my wife like I respected my mother and love her all the same, so I am only faithful to her. I am lenient towards my son, because he needs to learn from his own mistakes and not the ones of his elders, but that doesn't stop me from beating some sense into him every once in a while. My kingdom is prosperous and to show my thanks, I am kind to my kingdom. Do you get what I am saying, Clarissa?"
"Kindness is key for love, wisdom and prosperity." I said, cocking my brow in question. He chuckled and nodded.
"I think you are going to make a fine edition to the castle."
"My King, may I inquire as to what I am going to be doing at the castle?" I asked quickly as the carriage slowly rolled to a stop.
"I want you as my, and my kin, personal guard. You'll break fast with my family and I and stay with me until supper is over. I will have a need for any information and inquiry from you in the early future." He said, leaving the moving cart first, before offering his hand to me.
"That is all you want from me? Nothing more, nothing less?" I asked, pushing off of his hand as I jumped to ground, landing with a solid thump.
"I have any more need of you, you shall be the first to know." He replied, softly. "I would also like you to keep my son in line if he gets too rowdy." The King winked at me as I laughed loudly. I stopped and stepped in front of Stephen, bowing formally at the waist with a flair of drama.
"I humbly accept your request, My King. I have a feeling I'm going to love my new position."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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