Chapter 14

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Shadow's P.O.V:

Poison and I have been going to the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W unit everyday since I've got back. We often see little kids, maybe five or six, in the cells. I really wamt to help them but I can't, without being caught of course.

Getting beaten for information on the fabulous four. That's one of the sickening things, some of them have never met the fabulous four yet they're getting beaten for information, they have us now, right? They don't need to beat up helpless little kids.

"Hey, it's that girl, missile kid!" I squealed excitedly to poison. "Oh yeah! Let's go say hi" he said.

Missile Kid is one of the bravest little girls I've ever met. She has a power that BLI want to extract from her, none of us know what it is but apparently she's found her powers, like me. She normally gets shy and when people try and talk to her she normally backs away into a corner and whimpers, it's weird. I really feel sorry for her. If I could help any of these kids kid definitely want to get her out of here.

We walked up to her cell and she looked shy. Shying away already... Poor kid.

"Hi! your party poiso-" wow she spoke! "Hey shush your mush missile!" Poison laughed. I sent a icy glare to Gerard basically scolding him mentally. He sent me an apologetic look. "Don't cut people off Gerard, it's impolite." I scolded. He did a pouty face that looked adorable so I couldn't help but 'Aww' at him. "Okay, I won't.." He huffed.

"Hi shadow skies!" She blushed. Aww she's so small and adorable, she must be like ten? I remember when I was ten.... Good times. "Aww hi sweetie! I'm gonna ask you a few questions, we're here to help you, okay?" I asked. "Yeah sure, anything for you!" She smiled.

"Okay. 1) do they.. Hurt you here?" I asked in the nicest way ever. I didn't want it to sound weird or rude, or on point. Poison sent me a death glare. 'Sorry,' I mouthed. He nodded and leant down to kiss my forehead.

"They ask me where the killjoys are if that's what you mean?" She said, her facial expression dropping. Poor kid, she looks familiar from somewhere else though. No kid should go through what BLI put all these kids through. Just because they're unique and different. No one should be punished for wanting to be different and to make a difference, it isn't right.

"Do they hit you for information?" Poison asked. I sent him another icy glare and he sent one back. I guess he only wants to help and treating her like a mature teenager. She has a few years to go before she gets into her teams though.

"Straight to the point eh?" I nudged poison. "I.. Well.. Yeah." She stuttered. She pulled her frizzy brown hair infront of her face and hid her chocolate brown eyes. She.. Kinda has Dr. D's eyes.

"Hey Gee, her eyes look like Dr. Death's," I told him. "Oh yeah! We should take her to him to see if they know each other." Poison agreed. "Yeah, we should bust the kid outa here!" I laughed. He nodded and we looked back to Missile who was at the front of her cage, trying to make out what we was saying probably.

I had my mind set to it, I have to do what a killjoy would do.

Or an undercover killjoy...

A smirk made it's way onto my lips.

"Hey.. I've still got my phone, why don't we drop her off to Dr. D or get someone to collect her? She's a special one Gee!" I giggled.

"Special?" She questioned.

"Yeah, I feel like your my sister or something, I feel this close connection towards you, you have a special talent kid, better believe it because it will get you some where, now we're gonna send you off to be with Dr.D, you know that guy on the radio?" I asked.

"Yeah!" She nodded.

"We could set up a killjoy school for killjoys in the making who are (1) left at S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W unit or (2) kids or adults that are left stranded or.. The dracs, we could help them find their true identity!" He shouted enthusiastically.

"Party poison, not so loud!" Missile kid pretend scolded. To say that was hilarious is an understatement. She probably doesn't know how dirty that sounds..

"That's what she said!" Fun ghouls voice echoed. "Fun Ghoul..." I said under my breath. What? Dad said he let e killjoys go! That lier. I hate him so much! We gave up our killjoy identity to release them and he kept Fun Ghoul? And left him in our unit? How thick is he?

"Hey dude, did you hear that or do I need pills?" I asked poison, I was so confused. It's either I'm hearing things or my dad did actually keep him here.. "Yeah, FUN GHOUL?" Poison shouted.

"Guys, I'm in here!" The voice echoed again.

Well I guess Fun Ghoul is here then.. I looked among the cells. I looked and inspected each cell and I came across a beaten up Fun Ghoul. I bet Korse thought we wouldn't find out. That stupid douche.

"Woah.. Dude, what happened to you?" Missile kid asked. Well it turns out she was walking behind me with Party Poison.

"Dracs overflowed at the building, erh.. We tried to save you guys" he said, awkwardly scratching his neck. Aww he tried to save us! He's so sweet. Shit, what? Oh wow.

I leaned close to his ear and whispered me and party's plan.

"Oh... If you get me out, I'll take her to D!" He said "They think we've got a new hideout."

"Okay, cool!" Missile kid yelled in a playful manor. I wanted to tell her to keep it down but I don't want to, she's been caged up for a long while and she needs to socialise. I just hope no Dracs can hear her otherwise were screwed.

"Lemme quickly kill a drac.. Be right back!, oh missile come with me please,"

"Okay shadow!" She replied and followed me, happily.

Missile kid and I started walking up towards the connection to the main building where there was the most guards. I indicated for her to stop walking. "Okay, watch what I do!" I whispered.

I walked up to the nearest draculoid.

"Hello shadow skies, how may I assist yo-"

He was cut off to be pulling the battery pack out from his back.

"It's true what they say you know.. They literally are robots!"

Missile kid stared back at me, wide eyed.

"Took notes?" I asked.

"Your amazing!" She squealed, nodding enthusiastically.

"Aww thanks 'kid, your not half bad yourself!" I giggled.

"Okay let's bust you outa here!"

Korse's daughter, the undercover killjoy. (Party Poison love story)Where stories live. Discover now