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The fight between Saki and Yoshi lasted only a few minutes before the house was enveloped in flames. Tang Shen was the first to suffer an extreme wound, she was hit by the blades of Saki's new weapon. Saki escaped the fire, Yoshi passed out from smoke inhalation.

Minutes later

Yoshi was laying outside the burning house, but how he thought. His thoughts were interrupted by the screaming cries of Miwa.

Miwa, he thought, trying to see through the blur of his watery eyes Yoshi could see Saki walking away with Miwa. No, he thought. He rushed forward and without even thinking slammed into Saki's back, with his shoulder, causing him to fall to the ground. He caught Miwa in mid air and started running through the woods, knowing he wouldn't be able to fight with Miwa there. Ten minutes later Yoshi stopped running, sure he wasn't being followed.

"I promise I will never let anyone hurt you," Yoshi said to Miwa. He sat down on a giant rock with her in his arms, hugging her close. "I will never let anyone hurt you so long as I live."


A few days after the house had burned down Yoshi sold the dojo and packed all the things he had left, then bought two plane tickets to New York.

3 Months Later

Yoshi was unpacking all the necessary items for Miwa in her new room. The apartment they had moved into was a cheap but nice place that he could afford with his new job. He was also building a new dojo with the money he had from selling the dojo in Japan.

Later that night

Yoshi put Miwa down for bed 2 hours ago and was watching TV while picking colors and designs for the new dojo. He heard Miwa start crying. He went in and picked her up. Noticing right away she had a high temperature, he did everything he could to help her. He gave her medicine and sang to her but it didn't help. When he noticed her shallow breathing he thought enough was enough and rushed her to the hospital.

They spent the night there. Yoshi sat on a waiting room chair hoping for good news on Miwa when the doctor came out.

"How is she?" Yoshi asked as he rushed towards him.

"She's fine for now. I'm afraid I have some bad news though,." the doctor stated. "You mentioned that your house burned down in Japan. Well, I'm afraid that Miwa's lungs aren't looking very well. She must have inhaled too much smoke."

"But the fire was 3 months ago and she was fine then," Yoshi said sadly.

"It must have taken time for this to develop," the doctor answered.

"How do we treat my Miwa, and when can she come home?"

"She can go home later today, after her breathing treatment," the doctor said, making Yoshi smile.

"So she'll be fine, right?"

"With how seriously damaged her lungs are she will need five more breathing treatments over the next 5 weeks, once a week." The doctor put a comforting hand on Splinter's shoulder. "She is very lucky. If the treatments work she won't need to come back here. Let's just see how things go from here, alright?"

Yoshi nodded and smiled. "Can I see my Miwa now?"

"Yes, let me show you the way."


5 weeks later

Miwa had completed her breathing treatments. Yoshi thought she always seemed to be in pain and very sad or lonely. Asking the doctor's opinion, the doctor suggested a family pet like a dog might help.Yoshi, however, thought a dog would be too much then so he decided to let Miwa pick a small animal to have.

Once they got to the pet store Miwa and Yoshi looked at lizards, hamsters and fish, but they all seemed to bore Miwa.

"Do you have any other small animals?" Yoshi asked the clerk, putting Miwa down. She held onto his pants leg for support as she stood.

"Well, there are rats, mice, snakes, or spiders," the clerk said.

"Maybe something more girly would suit her better," Yoshi suggested.

Miwa looked up, understanding nothing they were saying, then looked around the room. She saw a large tank of baby turtles with a large turtles tank next to it. Interested, she ran towards them.Yoshi yelled after her for a second, just before she tripped and fell right in front of the baby turtles. Yoshi, picked her up and held her when she started crying and reaching for something. Yoshi looked towards the baby turtles' tank.

"These turtles seem to make her happy. I'll take the last four," Yoshi told the clerk.

Yoshi handed the clerk some money. The clerk put the four baby turtles into a glass container with a fake palm tree as decoration, thanked Yoshi, and handed them to him.

"Thank you very much," Yoshi said, putting Miwa down and handing the container to her. "Alright, my daughter, you must be very careful. You must not drop this."

After they left the pet store, Yoshi walked around the block. Nearing an alleyway he accidently bumped into a strange man - a very strange man. Feeling off-put by the man, Yoshi told Miwa to stay right there at the edge of the alleyway. Suddenly, an alley rat touched his leg, made a loud screech and then three strange identical-looking men appeared. They started a battle with Yoshi, who was winning, but then one of the men dropped a glass container of green substance on Yoshi and all over the nearby ground, then all three men scattered and run away.

A moment later,Yoshi's body began to change. He was in great pain. Soon he had become a life-size rat-man in a puddle of green substance.

Miwa started to run towards him but tripped and dropped the container of the four baby turtles, and they all fell into the substance. The turtles began to change and soon turned into baby-style turtles.

Freaking out, Yoshi grabbed a filthy blanket from the alleyway and covered his body. He then ran to Miwa and grabbed her. Before they could leave he heard one of the baby turtles cry out. Feeling guilty, he grabbed all four babies and the now empty container and ran back to his apartment.


Once back at the apartment, Yoshi could barely breathe. He set the turtles on the couch as they slept and put Miwa into her crib. He decided right then and there that he could no longer be a part of this world. He knew he couldn't part with Miwa so she and the turtles would have to come with him.

Yoshi soon decided the sewers would be a good place, so he packed all the necessary items for himself and Miwa, and when all of his children we're alseep he searched the sewers for a new home. After a day, he found the right area.

He packed his weapons into a small dufflebag and brought all the candles and flashlights he had, then carried them down into the new home. He packed his clothes and Miwa's into a dufflebag. Since they had just moved there they didn't have a lot. He packed everything else they owned except for their meager furniture and took it all to the new sewer hiding place. He also took all of his money out of his safe and left the right amount of rent for the month on the table next to an old book his father had given him about painters and artists.

Yoshi looked at his four sleeping baby turtles on the couch, then back at the book.

"Well," he said, "You all need names." He picked up one after the other, naming the first Leonardo, the second Raphael, the third Donatello, and the fourth Michaelangelo, after names in the book.

He then walked into Miwa's room, where she slept."You need a new name, as well. If the Shredder finds out you are Tang Shen's daughter..." He stopped halfway through. "Miwa, my daughter, only the family will know your true name is Miwa. The rest of the world will know you as......Karai"

After he named everyone he saw that it was light outside. He quickly put Miwa into a baby holder that attaches to the body, grabbed his four new children, and jumped rooftop to rooftop until he reached the rooftop closest to the sewer opening to his new home.

"Good bye, New York. I won't be seeing you again for a while." He opened the manhole cover, climbed in, and closed it behind him.


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