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*Rose's P.O.V*

It has been a week since that night.

Now we're living happily in Michael's huge wonderful house-Neverland Ranch.

On the first day in here,he showed me each animal of his.He's got everything you can imagine!

We've had a lot of fun!

Tonight,we're having some guests.Our families are coming over.Mike wants everything to be perfect.I don't know what's going on...

After I got dressed,I made my way downstairs.My jaw almost dropped when I saw Michael.How can one man be both hot and gorgeous at the same time?

I walked towards him and gave him a hug from behind.

Mike turned around and I could feel his eyes eating me.

"Rose,you look...Wow"

"You do,too.As always" I wink.

He smiles.

I fixed his tie and kissed his cheek.

"That's all I get?" He pouted.

We laughed.

As we were about to kiss,the door bell rang.

"They came!" Michael said,a little bit too excited,then ran to open the door.

O...k...I giggled and followed.

After we greeted the guests,we made ourselves comfortable on the sofas and talked.

"I'm so happy to see you again,my babies." Katherine,Michael's mother,says (for the 5th time,I think.I don't blame her though,it doesn't feel good being away from your child for 2 years).

"We are,too,mom"

"And together" Janet adds.

Everyone agrees and we blush.I don't know why,it's just...human nature.

"But what about you,sweetheart?Michael told me you've got a boyfriend."

"F*ck him.I've got someone else."

"Janet,watch your mouth." Joseph says.

"Why did he not come,too?" Michael asked.

"Umm...You will meet him..soon"

"What is his name?" La Toya asks.

"What's with these questions all of a sudden?!"

"Wait,Janet!I'll be right back."

With that,Michael is following her out of the room.

*Michael's P.O.V*


I'm following her until we get into the kitchen.

"Leave me alone"

"Hey,why are you crying?"

"You two make the best pair ever and I have no luck!He cheated on me!He just wanted to get to you..."

"To me?What's his name?" I ask her,concerned.

No answer.

"Janet,who is it?"

"He told me not to tell ya" she's crying.

"That's why you didn't tell La Toya either!Do you even realise what you are doing,Janet Jackson?!"


"You're hiding secrets from your own family,miss!"

"I'm sorry..."

"You must be!I wanted this night to be perfect!I have planned everything!I wanted to propose to Rose,but everything is ruined!"

"You what,Michael?"

We turn our heads to the door and see Rose and practically everyone gasping.


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