the shooting

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(santo's pov)

Im at my friend Craig's house and Jay and my other friend  named Rayan us here smoking some weed Mimi my girlfriend thinks I work in a store or something like that but u dont. Im in a gang called T.N.B it stands for trusts no bitches, what we do is crazy. We smoke chill fight o th er gangs and get money for killing other people in gangs.We get 100,000 each day thats  alot right? I know but we have to keep thay a secret because  Mimi or Amber doesnt know about that.If your wondering if were going to tell  them well yes we are but not yet jay and I only bein in th is gang for two years so we know what we are doing well I gotta go because theres another gang outside and I need to get my shot gun  (end of pov)

(Jay's pov) im here with my boys Santo and teo others named Rayan and Craig we all have been friends for a long time like three years.when we first met it was cool but then we made a gang because people from other gangs started to mess with us because they thought that we was a gang but we wasnt then we thought about being a gang but we really didnt want to be one until one of us got shot and we became a gang now barely people mess with us  but all we do is smoke and shoot people that start with us we haven't told our girlfriends yet because they will kill us well talk to you later u gotta hide someone just started shooting (end of pov)

~with Jay, Santo, Rayan, and Craig after the shooting~

Criag:yo Jay have you seen Rayan

Jay:na wheres santo(Looking around)

Santi:im right here (trying to get up off the floor)

Jay:what happen to you (walking over to him)

Santo-I got shot in the leg

Craig:ima call the ambulance

Jay:ok have youseen Rayan

Santo:the last time I saw him he was on the floor next ti a car I dont kniw if he was bleeding


craig calls the ambulance and Jay goes to look for Rayan

Jay:(yelling) yo I found.(looks at Rayan) yo Rayan are you ok?

Rayan:my, my, my leg (Jay looks at his leg)

Jay:dont worry your going to be ok your going to be on your way to the hospital soon (takes his shirt off and wraps is shirt around Rayans leg)

Craig:jay what about santos leg

Jay:wrap it up with your shirt the Fuck

Craig:ok takes off his shirt and does the same as Jay and put is on Santos leg

~at the hospital with the boys~

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