How did I get to class 3-E

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Your p.o.v
"So what happened is that after the truble you made and was disculfied from school and when nagisa Went to class 3-E i was alone in class 3-D so the principal dissaided to to put me in class 3-A because of my grades after a wail I started to low my grades because I started to be a little bulie then one day the principal called me to his office and said that I'm going to class 3-E because of my grades so I'm here"i sweat droped , he looked counfused ten said " what do you have for lunch? " i took out my sandwich and said '' a little sandwich ,don't worry I won't share with you ~"I smirked "don't worry I have my own lunch "he took out his tung, we  laughted together and we started to eat .

Time skip~I'm too lazy

Karma's p.o.v

The school has ended so I disaited to walk (y/n) home " hey (y/n) can we walk home together? " she picked her bag and said " Sure it was long time since we walked od hangout together " she smiled ,then we saw in the way a drink machine " hey what do you wanna get ?"she asked me moving to he machine " same as you "I said ,she bought two strawberry milk we  continued chatting and drinking "my way is here "she points at the opposite street from my mine "ok mine there "I pointed "bye~see you tomorrow " she waved and I waved back .
Sorry for late update and I think I will not update for long time or like two weeks cuz school and exams and that stuff ...sorry hope you enjoyed .

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