Part 1!

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"Sophie get up and ready for school" I hear my mum shout from behind my bedroom door.
I get up quietly so my mum doesn't hear me so that I can have 10 minutes peace,
I think to myself about when I saw Danni at school,
She was telling me about how she was gunna run away and also when she asked me to come with her.
I keep thinking of how I could actually get away,
Be free,
I have £70 hidden in my bad so if I can I will,
But then I also think of how much i will miss everyone,
It's like I think about going away forever,
Just disappearing from all my troubles,

I look in the mirror and wipe the falling tears from my blood shot eyes,
I brush my hair back so that t doesn't look like I had a ruff night,
I don't want my mum to worry about the cuts on my wrist so I quickly get dressed,
I don't want her to tell my dad on the phone about all the u forgettable scars on my bruised arms.

It's been two weeks since I've been at cause cause I was 'ill'.
I wasn't I was just worried about going to school after everything that's happened,
Getting beaten up,
Talking to the teachers about my problems.

Jake, my year eleven friend, says I should go to help, support, not just school, he thinks I should go to a support group and tell them how I feel and my thoughts.
I don't think it will help at all.
It will just make my family worry,
I say family but I mean me and my mum as my sister told the police about the abuse my dad did to us,
So she moved out and there was enough evidence to arrest my dad for a year and a half.

I have ten minutes until I have to leave and meet Danni and Angel from school,
I'm trying to place my makeup as carefully as I can so I don't hurt my bruised face but I have uncontrollable shakes, I just give up and sneak out my house so I don't wake my passed out mum from the bottles of alcohol she drank last night.

It's break and I'm sat in the canteen with Danni as Alice had to talk to the hub about a personal event,
U checked my phone and see I got a message from Kylie, Zanes girlfriend.
Zane is my ex, he was my world u till I found him in the girls toilets with his tongue down blonde slutty Kylie.
She's know as the 'hoe of the year',
I don't think it's proud to be a hoe but she seems to be bitch and proud of it.
Oh that's another name people give her,
'Bitch and proud'.

Later that day me and Danni were in class when this kid came into are class with a note,
I already knew it was me and that I won't be coming back for a while so I pack my bag and go to the Pod where the student helper is waiting for me.

They sit me down and wait for about 5 minutes staring at me.
"What?", I aggressively get impatient.
"Um, don't worry but uh, your dad had escaped prison".

End of part 1...

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