Yaoi One Shot

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"Cameron," a dark haired boy sighed. He poked his best friend who'd once again fallen asleep. They were supposed to be doing a school project that was due tomorrow.

Leaning against his palm, he sat on the floor, watching him sleep. He looked so cute when sleeping. Cameron's face twisting up every once in a while, his mouth slightly open, almost like he was pouting...what if?

The boy shook his head, blocking out the thought. Why now? Cameron was his best friend since preschool; he didn't need these feelings now.

"Danny," Cameron mumbled, rubbing his eyes sleepily. His friend unconsciously smiled. Cameron was such a child. He looked so innocent. Cameron, now wide awake, looked at his smiling face. Why was his best friend looking at him like that?


"What?" the raven snapped out of his thoughts and looked away as his pale face melted into a shade of red. He couldn't believe his best friend had seen him thinking about his fantasies.

"Are you okay bro? You look a little weird. Is something wrong?" Cameron tilted his head confused. Danny had been acting strangely for some reason since they came to his house. As a matter of fact, he'd been acting that way for a couple of weeks now. In class, he'd caught him staring and in the hallways, secretly watching him.

"I'm fine," Danny answered quickly. "Let's just get back to work." He picked up some tape and a few sheets of paper, praying his face would return to its normal color.

"Alright," Cameron stares at Danny uncertainly before getting a book. What was going on?

Danny cut random shapes out of the construction paper and taped them onto the poster board, trying not to eye his bestie. He really couldn't deny it now... He wanted him and everything about him. He wanted Cameron's chestnut brown locks entangled in his fingers, his emerald eyes clouded over with pleasure, body against body kissing his pink lips. How did they feel? Tongue wrestling against tongue and the feel of his hand rubbing against Cameron's hard -

"Danny!" a voice yells at him. Thank god Cameron's parents weren't home. Danny nearly jumped at the sudden outburst and blinked, looking at Cameron who look infuriated.

"What?" he answered, still in a little daze.

"What is wrong with you?' Cameron crossed his arms. "What is your problem? You're acting so weird."

Danny looked at him, aghast, but remained quiet.

"I want an answer, damn it!" Cameron's eyes narrowed. Although the little wrinkled between his eyes seemed cute to Danny, he sighed. He couldn't take this anymore. Cameron was going to find out sooner or later anyway.

"I like you," Danny mumbled, aware of the blush creeping back onto his face.

"What?" Cameron blinked. Viridian orbs searched amber ones for a lying sense or anything, but found none. Cameron shook his head profusely, his mind drawing a blank.

"I'm in love with you. Ever since we became friends."

"You're lying."

The room became silent and Danny looked at Cameron, his mouth slightly ajar. His best friend should've known he wasn't. They've been friends for the longest time and Cameron was denying it. Reaching out, he tried to take Cameron's hand only to be pushed away by the brunet.

"You don't mean it-

Cameron was cut off as Danny tackled him onto the floor. Papers scattered around the room and Cameron's eyes widened as they made contact with chocolate ones. Never had he seen Danny with so much seriousness as he glared at him.

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