Chapter One: The Castle in the Sky

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This story is based off one by Josh6067. This will star my OC instead of Josh's. Check out the original. I will also have my OC similar to how she is in my other fanfiction, Trapped. However, there will be some changes such as Romeo's username being Yushiro rather than Bloodfox as its stated in Trapped. Enjoy-M


I look at the NerveGear on my desk, Sword Art Online in the port. People should be lining up to get it now. I was a beta tester, me and my cousin, Romeo. I get downstairs and go to the basement where my father finalises Sword Art Online.
"Dad," I step towards him. He looks at me. "Do you want to spend some time with me?"
"I'm sorry Yuki, honey. Sword Art Online goes public in 30 minutes. I have to finish this."
I sigh and go back upstairs. That's the same answer I had for months. I lie on my bed and look at the news. SAO is the headline and what everyone is going on about.
Half an hour later, at one pm, I put on the NerveGear.
"Link Start!"

When I open my eyes, I'm in the Town of Beginnings on floor one in castle Aincrad, the world created by my father. My avatar looks different than how I actually look, short, purple hair with a black rose clip pinning my fringe up. My clothing is basic: a skirt that ends at my knees and a long sleeved top with a chest plate. Basic armour. I may have made it to floor 25 in the beta, but I erased my strong armour yesterday. Romeo did the same.
"Midnight!" A man calls my name. I turn towards him. His brown hair is long but stops at his shoulders. He has basic armour as well.
"Hey, Rome-I mean-Yushiro." I keep forgetting he's Yushiro in this world. He has his sword at his waist, a two handed long sword. Mines on my back, a one-handed short sword. During the beta, he learnt basic blacksmithing so he can repair our weapons but hasn't learnt how to make them yet.

We wonder around the Town of Beginnings, looking at all the players amazed by the detail of the full dive system. These players must be new to the full dive and the NerveGear, only one thousand people got to beta test the game after all.
We walk around until sundown in the game. There are small details that are different from the beta, as expected, but nothing major. A lot of people around us are panicking, menus open. Curious, I open mine and something is noticeably missing. The log out button.
Yushiro seems to have noticed it as well.
"Is he insane?" I hiss between my teeth.
Yushiro shrugs his shoulders and we both glow a kinda pale blue/white.

We're teleported to the town square with every other player in the game and hexagons appear in the sky with a red goo/fluid leaking from the sky, summoning a person.
"Is this an in-game boss?" I  hear someone ask next to me, a red haired male. The grey haired boy next to him shrugs.
The figure starts to speak. "Attention players, I welcome you... to my world. My name is Akihiko Kayaba."
Father... I collapse and Yushiro catches me.
"What is he doing?" He asks. I shrug.
"As of this moment, I am in control of this world. I'm sure most f you have noticed an item missing from your main menus, the logout button." My father swiped his hand down to open his own menu and showed the missing option from it. "Let me assure you, this is not a defect in the game. I repeat this is not a defect. This is how Sword Art Online was designed to be."
The crowd gasp.
"If we can't log out... I guess my mother can remove the NerveGear and I can-"
"You cannot log yourselves out of SAO and no one from the outside will be able to shut down or remove the NerveGear from your head. If anyone attempts to do so, a transmitter from inside will discharge a microwave signal into your skull, destroying your brain and ending your life."
Everyone around us is silent for a moment, then they start yelling and trying to run towards Kayaba, trampling me and Yushiro. I studied the NerveGear intensively and if the safety is disabled, it can kill you.
"Despite my warning, the family and friends of some of the players have attempted to remove the NerveGear, an unfortunate decision, to say the least. As a result, the game has two hundred and thirteen fewer players than when it began. They have been deleted from Aincrad and the real world."
He shows us news articles and clips of mourning families and dead players.
"As you can see, international news outlets have round-the-clock coverage of everything, including the deaths. At this point, it's safe to assume the likelihood of the NerveGear being removed is minimal at best. I hope this brings you a little comfort as you try to clear the game.
"There is no longer any way to revive someone within the game. If your HP drops to zero, your avatar will be deleted from the system forever, and the NerveGear will simultaneously destroy your brain."
A male voice echoes through the square. "What?!" The people around him jump in surprise, startled.
"There is only one way to escape, you must clear the game. Right now, you're gathered on floor one, the lowest level of Aincrad. If you can get through the dungeon and defeat the boss, you may advance to the next floor. Defeat the boss on floor one hundred, and you will clear the game.
Last but not least, I've placed a little present in the item storage of every player. Please, have a look."
Yushiro and I open our menus and take out the item in it. It's a mirror. I stare at my reflection. It starts glowing and changes to what I look like IRL. My hair grows longer and turns black, my eyes a dark blue and my skin pale. My chest is slightly larger than my avatar before, the chest plate accommodating the change.
Yushiro looks like he does IRL as well. His brown hair is shorter, down to his collarbone, and curled slightly. His hazel eyes are trained on the mirror as it shatters into blue shards. His muscles are just about visible through his clothes. He's always looked handsome. However, the large scar on his cheek has marred his perfect form.
I ignore the chattering around me and look at my father.
"Right now, you are probably wondering why. Why would Akihiko Kayaba, developer of Sword Art Online and NerveGear, do this? Ultimately, my goal was a simple one. The reason I created Sword Art Online was to control the fate of a world of my design. As you can see, I have achieved my goal." Kayaba says over the talking crowd. "This marks the end of the tutorial and the official launch of Sword Art Online. Players, I wish you the best of luck."
I notice eyes moving under the hood, searching the crowd for someone. The eyes stare at me before the avatar disappears. He sent me a silent message. Use the admin privileges I gave you to survive.

I tug Yushiro out of the town square and to the edge of the town. Nothing needs to be said, we know where to go and what needs to be done. We both draw out blades, his heavier than mine as it's a two-handed one. We charge forward and start our journey through Castle Aincrad.

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