Chapter 4

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I walked into my first hour and since I was late everybody had to stop what they were doing and look at me. I put my books in front of my body and walked over to my seat. "Nice of you to join us..." Mrs. Zap said. She clearly coudnt tell who I was. "Zakia." I said. Some people gasped and Mrs. Zap raised her eyebrows a little confused. 

Amy Parker one of the barbies here, or sluts, looked at me. "Oh wow Zakia you must of had a fat day...or week." She said. People laughed and I clenched my jaw. Nala growled. "Im going to rip her to shreds!" She growled. I stood up and walked over to her. Peoples eyes widened at the sight of my six pack. 

I bent down by her and glared. "You should probably keep your mouth shut you boney little slut" I said. Her mouth opened like she was going to say something but when people around us laughed she decided to slap me.

Her hand came up and hit me right in the face. She let out an ear peircing scream and fell to the floor holding her hand. I just stood there. She didnt even hurt me it just stung a bit for a second. She started crying and screaming. I just watched along with everyone else. Mrs. Zap came rushing over. 

"Mrs. Blue what did you do?" She yelled. I looked at her. "She slapped me but it didnt go so well for her." I said calmly. People around me nodded in agreemet. She thought for a moment then spoke. "Go to the office and fill out a report slip of what happened. Write down all witnesses and while you at it take her to the nurse." She said. I nodded. 

"Come on." I told Amy. "I can't it hurts you idiot!" She screached. "You hurt your hand dumb ass not your legs now get up." I said. She scouled but got up and walked out of the classroom with me. I stopped and she turned and glared at me.

"What did I ever do to you?" I asked. She looked taken back by my question. She thought for a moment but couldnt came up with anything. She sighed. "You...are uh, pretty and I didn't want you to be." She said. She told the truth. Nala calmed down. I blinked. "So you told me I was fat so I would become sickly skinny like you?" I said. She looked down and it clicked in her brain that she effected herself too.

She fell to the ground sobbing. "Zakia Im so sorry. I dont know what Im doing!" She said crying. I kneeled down next to you. "I'll help you." I said. She sniffled and looked up at me. "Really after everything I've done to you?" She asked. I nodded. "Karma striked. Now we're even." I said. Looking at her hand. She chuckled.

"It hurts bad." She said. "Im sorry about that. I have a hard head. " I said. She laughed. "Im sorry I hit you." She said. I Shrugged and helped her up. I walked her to the nurse and she ended up with a sprained wrist.

I walked into the office and filled out the accident report. I said she slapped me playfully but fel off her chair and landed on her hand and her wrist snapped. I wrote down some of the people I know will go along with it. I put it in the report box and walked out.

I turned the corner and ran into something hard and fell to the the ground. I felt tingles and smelt an amazing scent of apple and chocolate. I looked up to see Zack. He had the look of lust written all over his face. He looked around then down at me.

I reached down and grabbed my hands pulling me up. I just stayed silent. "Zakia." He said. "Zack." I said. "What are you wareing?" He asked. I smiled innocently. "The only thing that fit me this morning and its not even mine." I said. "You know how teen guys are! Why would you come like this! Lisa said you guys went shopping." He said. "We did but I didn't have time to change!" I yelled getting angry.

"Ok whatever lets go we're going home." He said walking away. "No!" I shouted at him. He turned and looked at me. "Please Zakia." He said. I shook my head and began walking away to class. He ran and picked me up and flung me over his shoulder. "Zack put me down!" I said. He chuckled and walked down the hall. 

We walked out to his car and he put me in the front seat. I huffed in defeat. I put my seatbelt and Zack started up the car. We drove off to the pack house.

As we were walking to the front door i started to feel dizzy. My head was pounding and Nala was howling. I fell to the ground. "Zakia!" Zack yelled comeing to my side. I pushed him away. "Stay away." The words came out of my mouth but they weren't mine. Nala was comeing out which meant I was shifting.

I took out my belly ring and my jacket. I put them off to the side. My neck started burning. I screamed out in pain as my neck started burning. I unclipped my necklace and dropped it on my jacket. It was made out of pure silver. Werewolves cant touch pure silver.

I screamed as it started getting hot and my bones ached. I heared sicks break and wolves apeared out of the woods. People started pooling out of the house. Nena looked at me smiling. She knew what was happening.

A bone cracked in my leg. I screamed and curled up in a tight ball. I closed my eye tightly as I felt the pain continue. After a while the pain stopped. I opened my eyes and it was night time. People were still out watching me. I stood up but stumble and fell. A huge black wolf walked up next to me. I sniffed. Zack. 

His wolf was the biggest I've seen. He looked at me with awe, the same way I looked at him. I've never seen his wolf untill now. He nudged me and walked a little further in front of me. "Get up you need to run." He linked me. I stood up slowly and took a few steps to be even with him. "You will get the hang of it when you start running." Nala said to me. I mentally nodded. 

Zack took a deep breath and put his snout in the air and howled loudly. He looked down at me. Nala became excited. She controlled me. I put my snout up in the air and howled with as much might I could bare. Blake, Andy, Steve, Jen, and Ray all howled and Zack took off running.

I trotted until I got the hang of it then I ran. I ran and ran picking up speed. I caught up with a happy looking Zack. He howled and we all joined him. We dodged trees and jumped over small streams. We came to a big feild and jumped around happily. I calmed down a bit and breathed deep. The smells and sounds wrapped around me.

I accept these changes in my life. You should accept the changes in yours. 


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