Short story: this thing.

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This thing. It's always around. Following me to school or home. I sit and it stares. I'm not going to talk to it. It's been here since I was five. I'm 12 now. No one else can see it. It's not a fun thing to have. I'm not crazy. Well, that's a lie. But I swear this thing is real. I can hear it's breath. I want it to leave. I want to be normal. I don't hang out with anyone. I'm afraid they'll think I'm weird for staring at nothing. All I can do is stare at it, it will stare back. I'm currently in my room. The thing is standing by my door. It's time to break the silence.
"Okay what are you?" I asked thing. It stared blankly at me.

"Well can you talk? When will you leave?" Ugh can it please stop staring. It smirked. ITS FACE MOVED FROM THAT BORING EXPRESSION OH MY GOD!
" I'm not a thing." It said. It does talk.
" then what are you?" It's getting on my nerves
"I'm nothing. But my name skuo."
Skuo. Hm.
"Skuo? Nice name. Now why do you keep following me?"

" I'm bored your interesting. Plus I've been assigned to you." I'm interesting?! What! I have no friends.
" assigned?"

" I'm here to protect you."  Crazy.
"Why can't anyone see you?"
"Because they don't believe. Silly."
Psh. Me silly. No.
" what are you protecting me from." 
"Just the bad stuff. No need to worry." Skuo walks over to where I'm sitting. He takes my hand.
" your fine."  He said.
"Okay." I'm so confused and tired. The world is spinning. I feel so sleep. I go to get up but skuo pushes me back down. I slowly fall into darkness.

~ sometime, somewhere ~

I wake up to find skuo staring at me " get lost jerk." I told him. He kept staring.
" leave." He didn't.
" ugh. LEAVE GET OUT!" I yelled this time. He came forward. He picked me up.
"Put me down."  He walked to the window which was open.
"Skuo! Put me down!" I squirmed in his arms. He pull his arms out with me in them. His appearance changed.
" well that worked."
" who are you!" I was now out above the streets being held in his arms.
"No one. Just the bad stuff" he laughed. Then his arm threw me. I screamed at the top of my lungs. Feeling the air rush beside me. I was now on the concrete. He came flying down. " so much blood. Oops. Anyway one less believer in the world." He started walking away. Slowly darkness came. And with that~ rainbow kittens!

                     The End

Jk. Real ending.

   I woke up. Strapped down and screaming. Moving and I won't stop. That was just a dream. I'm 12 years old, and in a mental hospital.

          The End

               This was one of the weirder stories. Don't know where This was going but yeah. Anyway. The girl in this story was actually mental and started to see things. That was all her dream. Anyway enjoy the story! Stay kewl!

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