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Hey guys! I'm so so sorry it's been so long since I updated, but I swear I'm gonna start doing a better job! I'm trying to get this story up to date so I'm gonna try that now.

Okay so now in the story...I'm going to fast forward a bit to 2016/2017 and hopefully it'll all work out. So Harry has already done the Another Man photo shoot and Dunkirk is wrapped up. It's November of 2016 and Taylor has been seen with a certain special butterfly ring and a bracelet. She and Harry spent time apart from each other in 2015/2016 and only met up again for thanksgiving.

The next part of the story will be more around when Harry was leaving Gucci with all those bags, Taylor's 27th, and, like I said, trying to bring us up to speed.

Thanks again so so much for being so patient with me and thank you for 800 READS!!! *Fangirl scream*
Love you loads 😘

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