Trapped in a Safe Place

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Corey's POV

My phone started buzzing in my pocket,and when I picked up all I heared where muffles and screaming.What the heck is going on?

"Kin?!"I asked.

"Corey get here quick!We need help!"Kin huffed.

"Dude you sound tired and what do you mean by we?"I asked.

Then a yell came from the phone,it was a child kind of yell....Lanes!

"We'll be right there!"I yelled and hung up.

"What's going on?"Kon asked.

"Kin found Laney but they're not alone,"I said,"We gotta go,now!"

We started dashing towards the Groj.When we got there,we heard a yell from the other side.I tried opening the door,but it was locked.Then Kon tried tackling the door.No use there wasn't a budge.

"Laney!"I yelled helping Kon slam into the door.

Then a loud crash came from the other side of the door,and a sound of a gun shot.Then 2 yells came from inside.

"GUYS!"Kon and I yelled ramming at the door one more time before colapsing.

Katrina grabbed me by the collar and said,"Corey it's no use we can't get in."

"No there has to be a way,there's always a way!"I yelled frustrated.

"All we can do is nothing,"Kon said,"There's no way in."

Then I rembered something Lanes told me when we were 7,'There's not such a thing as nothing,everyone does something.So in a way there's a way to do anything.'It was helpful it always kept me up when I felt down,I can't just stand here and wait.There's always something.I ran around the house and found a broken window.I got Kon and Katrina and we headed in.When we got to the Groj there where holes almost everywhere,and a man dressed in black in the middle of the room.Then,I finally noticed who we're dealing with.A guy who wanted me and Lanes for a long time...Chuck Harrison,a well known kidnapper in Peacevill.He aimed for us when we were only 6,I never saw him since,until now.I sneaked behind the lockers and peeked out,I couldn't belive what I saw,Lanes was in Kin's arms unconcious with a red stain on her shoulder.Kin however was trembiling,his glasses broken,Laney's blood on his shirt,and mad purple marks on this arms.I got angry,I wanted to beat Chuck up,but I can get Kin and Lanes in more trouble.I signal for Katrina to call the police,and she ran off.Now,how to get my friends out of here.

"Let my brother and my friend go!"Kon yelled.

"Kon!"I yelled while face palming myself,for two reasons.

1)Kon gave his position away.

2)I was stupid enough to follow Kon and give up my hiding place.

"Kon,Corey!"Kin yelled.

"Huh,I wondered when you'd get here,"Chuck said pointing to me.

"Shut up,and let them go and leave!"I yelled.

Then sirons came from the other side of the door.

Chuck turned to me and said,"You two escaped me again but I'll be back!"

Then he threw a smoke bomb and escaped.However,there was no police outside.Just my sister with her phone in hand,pluged into speakers.Damn,Katrina is smart.I walk towards Kin,and he still had Lanes in his hands.

"Did she get shot?"I asked quietly.

"Yeah,but only in the arm and the leg,"Kin said giving her to me,"By the way the machine that turned you back to a 13 year old got shot into pices in the progress."

"So we're stuck with kid Lanes for how long?"I asked setting Lanes down on the couch.

"At least a week,the power fource for it is very rare,"Kin said.

"Jeez,so what do were do till then,"Kon said.

"And how will we explain this to Ashly?!"Kin yelled.

"HOLY SHIT WE'RE DEAD!"I yelled in fear.

I seriously don't want to say,'Hey Ashly we accidently turned Laney into a kid,then we lost her to Chuck,got her back,but she got shot in her arm and leg.And by the way she'll stay a kid for the rest of the week.'If you say that to her,you better have your will ready,because your gonna die.Honestly,Ashly acts like Trina at times towards Laney and anyone that hurts her family.

"I call not it!"I yelled.

"Come on man she'll go easier on you,"Kin said.

"That's a dang lie!"I said back.

"No it isn't!"Kin yelled back.

"We'll deal with Ashly later,now we got to help Lanes,"I said.

"Ok,but this is not over!"Kin yelled.

Kon just rolled this eyes and went to get some food.I walk towards the couch and sit next to Lanes,she was still unconcious,I'm just happy she's ok.

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