Things my dolls ask me (PT. 1)

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*I am going to start calling y'all my dolls. OK? OK.*

1. Cravings: 

!I am going to make this a list of what girls crave during their period!

*Tomatoes- I am not quite sure why but quite a few girls crave tomatoes this couldb e due to your body needing iron.

*Ice- This is a cause of your body needing iron that ice provides.

*Chips- I'm not a doctor... yet, but I do know that your body needs a certain level of salt or it could make you sick so this makes you crave salty things like chips



*Ice cream

*Gummy Bears



!I got a little lazy explaining why because they all basically have the same reasoning, that your body needs something that the foods have in them such a iron or salt.!

2. Do all girls get cravings on their periods?

* Some girls do and some girls don't, all girls are different and it mainly just has to do with what you and your body needs to stay healthy while you feel like you are dying haha.

!Ok guys I know this was kind of short but I am with my cousins tonight so I may post more later or I will post tomorrow; I hope y'all like this!

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