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Carlisle POV

Me and Esme where out hunting when they fond a baby. We walked near the noise and fond a circle of trees and in the middle was a baby. Esme picks the baby and we run home.

When we got home I told Esme to wait outside. "Ok" she said as I walked into the door. When I walked inside the whole family bit Edward (he was in his room) was looking at Alice. "What did you see?" everyone asked. "Carlisle knows." she said. "Esme Alice saw it bring her in!" I said. "Her." everyone said. "Ok!" Esme came in playing with they baby. Rose took her from Esme and passed her around to everyone. "Her name is Bella."

Edward POV

I was looking out my window and sitting on my bed. "Edward come meet your meet your new sister." I ran downstairs and saw a baby in Alice hands.So I picked her up and she held on tight. Then I tried to give her to Esme, but she held on tighter. Then Alice had a vision. I went into her head, and then I got cut off.

Alice POV

Vision :

Edward and Bell were getting married. I planned it. They both enjoyed it. After that they went on their honeymoon. They have a good time, and Bella gets pregnant. But she dies and names the baby Renesmee. Good things is Edwards vinoum saves her the next day.

Rose POV

"What did you see?" I said. "Can't tell or someone will go crazy." Alice said. "Ok." I said as I took Bella away from Edward. I took her to me and Emmett room.

Emmett followed me upstairs into the room. We played with Bella. After a few minutes she fell asleep. So we went downstairs and passed her around till we found out who she was more comfortable with. She was more comfortable with Edward. So she went to sleep in his room.

Edward POV

In the morning she was a sleep still next to me. She looks cute sleep. I going to get up but I laid back down so she could stay sleep.

She woke up around 9:00 a.m. Esme was started cooking when selecting heard me come downstairs with Bella. After she ate Emmett stole her from Esme. He may look all tough but he is like a nice soft plush teddy bear.

Emmett POV

I took Bella to her new room that I made when she was sleeping. We played for a long time. After that it was time to go hunting with Edward so we left her with the girls.


Hi guys I am new at this so don't judge me please. OK I think I will update about every week or more. I hope you love it. Bye.

Give me ideas.

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