There She Goes

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     Zachary’s vicious cycle of loneliness was rounding three months. All things considered, he was great at his balancing act. He was able to excel at work, impressing his father along the way, nurture his anger, and keep his turmoil hidden, all simultaneously. Most would say that Zachary required some professional help as well, but men never admit when they’re in need. He just rode the wave, working in the morning, exercising in the evening, and turning his brain off to sleep at night. It worked and helped him to pass the time.

     One Friday when he had five minute left on the clock, he received a text message. I’m landing in 45 minutes at Gate 52.

     He read the text again, and again, and one more time. It was Serronie! She didn’t have more details but she knew his work schedule. Zachary was more than available and ready to rush out at the drop of a dime. That was the message he’d waited three months to see on the screen on his cellphone. He gathered his belongings quickly. There was no time to waste.

     With Friday traffic, he made it to the airport in thirty-five minutes. Before he even got out of the car, he checked himself in the rearview mirror. Zachary pulled the brush from his glove compartment and scraped the bristles over his low-cut wavy hair. Then he smiled widely and checked for food particles in his teeth. He pulled a piece of chewing gum from the glove compartment as well and popped a slice in his mouth. The planes started rolling in so he decided it was time to step out.

      Zachary leaned against his car, fidgeting nervously. He looked down and swept the wrinkles out of his shirt. Looking good for Serronie was his main priority. A three month absence would do that to a man's head. It would have been nice for Serronie to give him more details, like the color she was wearing, or the style of her hair. He was constantly getting his heart rate up each time he saw a petite female with big curly hair. Each time it wasn't her he was both relieved and disappointed. He was beyond ready to see his wife.

     Ten minutes later and he was still waiting. The current plane left the dock, making way for another one to pull up to the stairs. That had to be Serronie’s plane. Zachary wiped his face, stood up straight, and checked his breath. The door opened to the plane, and people began to exit. The faces emerged and none were looking like Serronie. They were too big, too small, too light, too dark, just not Serronie. A large influx of people exited and swarmed into a crowd.

     He really didn't feel like combing through the mass of people. That's when he heard the laugh in the distance. He whipped around to his left to orient towards the familiar cackle. Where was she? Did he really hear her laugh, or was he just overly excited and hearing things? The high pitched giggle carried through the wind again, and this time he saw the source.

     The people peeled away from Serronie like magic. She was walking with her mother. Her cheeks were full and rounded with a smile. Her frizzy curls were parted down the middle, spilling over her shoulders. She wore a thin yellow blouse with white polka dots, and short jean shorts. The wind blew, and her hair and shirt fluttered. Some of her stomach was exposed, and clearly all of the baby fat was gone. Her thighs vibrated lightly each time her foot struck the ground. Serronie was beautiful and healthy. She seemed to be a few pounds shy of her original weight when she and Zachary first met.

     Zachary couldn't help but to stare for a while. He was frozen with happiness, adoration, and shock. It was hard to believe that Serronie was right there, after all that time, she'd made it back to him. Right about the time his brain regained normal functioning, Serronie broke the stare of her mother. She looked ahead through the crowd.  The scan turned into a gaze. Judging from her facial expression, and her immediate zombie stagger forward, she spotted Zachary. His heart zipped. Her heart did an immediate jolt. She gasped as she put her hands over hear mouth. Then she dropped them and released all of her luggage. Uhashni, Serronie’s mom, manned her luggage as she took off running towards Zachary.

     Zachary paced forward, maneuvering through the people, making his way to the love of his life. When Serronie was an arm's length and a half away, she took a huge leap onto Zachary. His arms were outstretched and he caught her with ease. She climbed around his torso, clamping her legs around his obliques and gripping his neck tightly. Zachary took a deep breath, inhaling her sweet coconut and vanilla scent. With his right arm, he lifted her into a closer hug by her butt and thighs, and he lost his hand in her mass of hair to hold her head closer. She sunk her face into his neck, and stayed there for a minute. They squeezed each other tightly, the whole world disappearing around them. He kissed her cheek, then her neck, and then he kissed her face again.

     Serronie jumped down to her feet. She snatched Zachary down into a kiss. He pressed his lips with hers passionately. He kissed her harder, interlocking his lips with her, and then he suddenly stopped and grabbed his mouth.

     "What the hell pinched my lips?" He questioned, running his tongue over the inside of his mouth, still feeling tiny shooting pains.

     When he finished his question, Serronie smiled widely. He saw her retainer. At that moment, he looked the exact same way as she did years ago when they met. Zachary mirrored her grin and adored her.

     "I haven't worn it in months, my teeth were starting to crawl around, so I have to wear it before things get out of hand," she explained with a chuckle.

     "You're still the prettiest thing I've laid my eyes on," Zachary complimented her while stroking her cheek with his thumb.

     She pressed her face against his hand and added her hand, "I missed you so much," she said as she gazed into his chocolate brown eyes.

     "I can’t describe how impatiently I’ve been waiting for you. Hell, let’s go home!” Zachary blurted.

      Uhashni joined them, helped load Serronie’s belongings and they were off from the airport.

The Waiting One Part II: Waiting for the EndWhere stories live. Discover now