Im Sick

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Happy feels like literal crap. The type of crap that was already crap to begin with, and just winnies it's way through to make itself even more crappy and disgusting. Her nose is stuffed, and her throat is soar. There's a little tick in her chest every time she breathes, and she can barely stand by how drugged she was on NyQuil.

Thank goodness the streets weren't busy, this morning. Or else she probably would have killed herself while driving her motorcycle to the nearby grocery store.

She coughed a couple times, sneezed and sniffled, while parking her bike, and strapping the helmet on its handlebars. Almost falling as she stepped away from it's support.

She was wearing a baggy black hoodie, because she didn't feel like walking around in her spongebob pajama shirt at the store. Along with her black sweatpants and old sneakers she slipped on before stepping out the door this morning.

She dragged her feet across the cemented parking lot, as she dragged herself towards the store entrance. Walking like a zombie, and probably groaning like one too. But she really doesn't care what she looks or sounds like at the moment.

She sighs, and takes a moment to regain her energy as she stopped a few feet away from the sliding doors. That 20 yard walk had took a lot out of her.

She caught her breath, and pulled her hood up, as she walked through the doors. She was instantly blasted with cold air, blowing in her face as she walked. Which did not help much with the chills she was starting to get, so she wrapped her arms tightly around herself as she went.

She didn't care that people were given her weird looks, or pitying looks, all she cared about right now was getting what she needed, and getting out so she can go home, watch Netflix movies and go to sleep. That's her goal for the day.

It took her a couple moments to rev her brain up to figure out exactly where she wanted to go, and what she wanted to get. Even though she had driven all the way to the store to grab one thing.

Looking up, there were large signs hanging above each aisle, listing the different food items that could be found there.

Happy scanned them, slowly, because if she did it any faster her head might explode, and the snot built up behind her eyes, would probably spew everywhere. More so than her actual brain remnants.

She sighed in relief as she spotted the exact place she was looking for. Soup.

Her eyelids fell for a moment, and she tripped and stumbled over her feet until she reopened them rather grudgingly, as she stalked towards aisle 6.

She finally made it, without running into anything or anyone. Which in her state, was an accomplishment.

Her eyes scanned the shelves for the familiar can of soup she always bought. Ignoring the people around her, and concentrating her best on the various cans that looked way too much alike.

She squinted as she tried to read the labels, but she just couldn't find it.

Continuing down the aisle, whilst scanning the shelves, she was finally able to spot what she was looking for. A can of Beef Barley soup. One of the only soups she ever had as a child, and she just grew into it. She couldn't be sick, without it. That's why she dragged her sorry butt all the way across town to get a single can of soup.

She was probably grinning like an idiot, as her hand reached for the single can left on the shelf. Probably left just for her.

Before her fingers can wrap around it, another hand was grabbing for it as well. It took her a moment to realize it wasn't her own hand, and she turned her head to look at the sorry man standing next to her.

I'm Sick (Quintis AU)Where stories live. Discover now