Yes, We ARE Gay

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Hey, lovelies! Some one please comment on this! I need feed back!

-Maeve xoxoxo



" Cassie?!" yelled Greg as he walked around his and Mycroft's house. He heard some giggling from his closet. "Could she be in here?" he opened up his closet, only to see a little red haired and freckled face staring up at him. He picked her up. "Comm 'er you little rascal!"

"Noooo! The Daddy Monster got me!" she squirmed I'm his arms.

"Do you know why I got you?" he asked as he walked down the hall to her room.

"No." she answered, she stopped squirming and now was listening intently. "Why?"

"Because," he said "You were sitting on PaPa's shoes. He would be very cross if you flattened his shoes." Greg laughed to himself about how silly that sounded.

He sat Cassie down on her bed which was big and soft and covered with purple and gold and blue things.

"Daddy?" she asked picking up her favourite stuffed animal( which was a gold piglet Mycroft had gotten her.).

"Yes?" asked Greg sitting next to her.

"Why does PaPa think he needs a 'diet'?" Greg laughed.

"Well love. He doesn't that is the thing. He is beautiful just the way he is." He said coolly "In fact. My dear Miss. Cassie Abigail Holmes-Lastrade. He is the MOST beautiful man I have ever met. "

"Ever?" she asked.

"Ever." He reassured her. The front door opened and closed in the background

"PaPa!" she screamed and ran out of her room to see him. Greg just walked at a normal pace to get there.

When he arrived he saw his husband holding her tightly in a hug. He let her down from his arms.

"Hello." he said directly towards Mycroft.

"Hi. How was your day?" he asked picking up Cassie again and carrying her into the dinning room.

"Good. No good stuff at work. Although me and Cassie played Hide and Seek." He said

"Really? An how was that Cassie.?" He asked her.

"It was lovely. Daddy is not good at it though. He always hides in oblivious places."

"I hid in the cabinet and you found me!" he said sternly.

"I know. The Science if Deduction Daddy." She said as she coloured a picture.

"Have you been on Uncle Sherlock's web-site lately?" asked Lastrade.

"Nooooo. I just heard it form PaPa. And you leave foot prints." She said pompously.

"No. I don't." he said

"Yes you do. You were wearing 2 day old socks. I smelt it and... you can see the sweat marks on the ground." She said.

"You...little miss. Are taking after your PaPa and Uncle."

" Know." She said proudly "Look!" she held up the picture she was drawing. "It is you and PaPa and me!" she said excitedly.

It basically was 3 stick figures. One with fire red hair Labeled, PaPa. On with silver hair labeled, Daddy. And one with also fire red hair labeled,ME!

"Lovely Cassie."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2014 ⏰

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