I am Annabel Lee.

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There a thousands of island in the Philippines, and I'm living in the last isle where can be called as one of the paradise of the said country .For me, life is simple yet splendid. My parents gave me the rays of the sun to touch my skin, the forest to play with me and all the creatures living in the sea; They introduced me as a finest girl in our home island.

Our Apo always telling me that I had "everything", even all the God's creatures. Apo is a virtuous, brilliant and brave man I ever met aside from my loving father, He never failed in his advice and wisdom in life.

But I feel dead, alone , and unlighted star above the sky. I feel like there is a missing riddle of me, until I met the boy named, Allen.

Together with his family, he visited our land from the north because their ancestors are living in the next island where we lived. We met in one of the gatherings in the near Barrios.

January 17, 1990

I was drinking a Pomelo juice, while enjoying the dim lights and every beats of the music here in Plaza Miranda.

" Good evening young Lady" Out of a blue, a boy approached me.

He has a pointed nose that compliments with his sparkling eyes and Danish brown hair.

"I'm Allen, and you are?"

"I am Annabel Lee"

"Yes Annabel Lee, the beautiful Annabel Lee" I turned red as tomatoes.

And that was the start of unlocking all the riddles running in my mind. We became friends and enjoying each other's company secretly.

Were too young that time, But the mutual feeling we have are something to be sure as how Ferdinand Magellan prove that the world was round.

The day crawls but the years run like a cheetah in the rain forest. He decided to stay in our land than go back where he came from. We unendingly ripen by the clock.

I met Allen accidentally but he captured my heart and soul intentionally. Allen is the man with an amazing personality, He is unique and imperfectly perfect. He is also natural yet special in every deeds he made. We let each other to enter the most aesthetic magic we have ever known, "Love". Timelessly, We savor every moment when we're together.

Allen and I contentedly welcome the sunrise on the highest point of Abuav and full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn; Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft the redbreast whistles from a garden-croft, and gathering swallows twitter in the skies. 

We touches the sunset in the sea , Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies.

We collect a millions of roses in the Maa-yamans garden of Bloom as how we collect sweet memories' of ours.

We loved with a love that was more than love.

When the time comes, Together, we bravely enter the greatest kingdom of the sea.

2nd day of October, 1998.

Everyone is busy as a bee because when the sunset touches the sea, that is the start of the ceremony.

Some are busy to decorate the abode, full of white and pink zinnia on the bamboo tables, hundreds of lights floating on the human-lake , the smell of the baby's breath shouts the everlasting love and innocence of every buds of it. The melody coming from Bansuri, the harmony of Paldong and the blend of the beat of dholak make the atmosphere so peaceful.

"Happy birthday Annabel, Our Little princess is now already a finest Lady!" Mother said with her teary eyes. A tears route to her face as a sign of happiness.

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