An Unhealthy Obsession

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"Why would you want me? There are plenty of others who are smart who I think you would like just fine. Leave me alone."

"But dearest, no one else has the history we do. It may not seem like it on the surface, but we are a lot alike."

Dipper decides to stop texting and go tell Mabel what was happening. "What the hell Dipper. This is obviously one of Pacifica's idiotic pranks. We both know she's a bitch, this kind of stuff isn't weird for her."

 "But Mabel I- " 

"No buts, okay. She said she wanted your love, that you and her had history. Goddamn it dipper isn't it obvious enough! Bill is DEAD. Stop living in the past."

"Sorry Mabel.. I was just a little freaked out, that's all." 

"You don't have to apologize, it's okay. I just want you to get better. I care about you and Pacifica, no matter how much I hate to say it, does to. We're all here for you." 

"Thanks..... awkward sibling hug?"

"Awkward sibling hug."


A few days went by and the weird messages seemed to have stopped. Dipper just assumed that Pacifica just went to visit her family or something along those lines. Everything seemed to be back to normal. For the first time in a while, Dipper actually loosened up a bit

One morning Dipper woke up to see a message from Pacifica.

"Rise and shine."

"Hey, Pacifica. How are you?"

"I'm not Pacifica.

"Haha very funny. Seriously Pacifica, where are you? Did you visit your family?" 

"I'm not Pacifica, pine tree." 

"The joke isn't funny anymore." 

"Look up, sweetheart"

Dipper looks up to see a chilling drawing of a triangle painted in blood on his ceiling. What the hell was happening? Was he losing his mind? Was any of this even real? The series of questions ran through his mind, than hitting him like a train.

"Stop it! Stop messaging me you sick freak!" 

"But my darling, the show just began. Pacifica isn't the only one going to die. And I promise you, it's going to be gut wrenching."

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Fear struck Dipper more intensely than it has in 8 years. He had nowhere to go to get out of this hell called reality. He needed to know the one who did this. He couldn't go on without knowing. He was determined to find this bastard. 


9 days past without any sign of Pacifica or the killer. Dipper told Mabel that the messages stopped and he didn't think the killer was still out for him. Dipper decided to message him again to find any sign of where and who he is. 

"Are you still out to get me?"

No response

"Message back, bastard."

Yet again, no response

"What history do we even have?"

"That's part of the fun, Dipper. You have to find out for yourself. Get shooting star to help also, the more the merrier."

"Don't get my sister involved with this, she has nothing to do with this."

"I guess that's true, but I love seeing you suffer. I am a sadist after all."

"How could you hear me when I yelled about Pacifica's death?"

"I like watching you."

"What? What does that mean? Have you been creeping on me, you freak?"

"Some call it creeping, I call it loving."

"You love me? I'm telling you now, the feelings aren't returned." 

"They will be."


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