Let's just talk about Viktor

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Viktor isn't dumb.

Before moving to Hasetsu he planned out everyone he was going to do perfectly. He decided he was going to be all flirty with Yūri just to impress him and he was devastated when he found out that Yūri wasn't that kind of person. He chose Eros for Yūri because he knew that he could pull it off. He'd seen Yūri pole dancing at the banquet. He knew that yūri could be sexual if he wanted to be. Viktor tried his best to make sure Yūri won the hot springs on ice competition because he wanted to coach Yūri. He wanted to be with Yūri. He wanted to be with the man he had fallen in love with the year before, and although it didn't go exactly as Viktor had planned for it to go it didn't matter to him because he still got to be with the man he fell in love with.

Viktor came off as very creepy in the first few episodes, but after rewatching those first few episodes it really started to all come together. He was flirting with Yūri just because he thought it would impress him and I think that it is just so amazing that he did all of this just to be with him and impress him.

You know what really gets me though? The fact that Viktor thought Yūri was some kind of playboy like he was at the banquet. He fell in love with the playboy version of Yūri. But when he found out that Yūri wasn't some kind of playboy, he decided that he wanted to fall in love with the real Yūri instead.

Viktor didn't give up after he found out Yūri wasn't the kind of person he was at the banquet. We saw just how devastated he was that Yūri wasn't the kind of person he was at the banquet. But Viktor decided that that wouldn't change anything and he would love him either way.

Yūri taught Viktor something that night at the banquet. He taught him what love was. Viktor could never forget the person who showed him what it meant to love someone. Yakov himself said that Viktor only thought about himself and no one else. But then he met Yūri and decided he wanted to learn what love was again.

It's just amazing how Kubo did this. Left us all wondering why Viktor would go this far to do all of this. Everyone thinks that episode 10 was just a filler, and although it was, everyone has overlooked the banquet scene and has failed to notice this hidden meaning behind it.

Although Viktor is a fictional character with a fictional personality in a fictional TV show, he could still be seen as an inspiring person. He has taught us that if you want something, you should go for it, and even if it doesn't turn out the way you wanted it to don't ever give up on it. Because what if Viktor had given up on Yūri and gone back to Russia when he found out he wasn't the kind of person he was at the banquet? Then it would've all been over. But Viktor decided he wouldn't give up on the man he loved and decided he would try again to be with him. And it worked.

Viktor is the smartest person pass it on

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