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This is just a PROLOGUE.

" I hate men. " That's what I always had in mind,
I never once liked any other man besides my dad, only
him that I would care for, no one else would. Until my mom
died from giving birth to me, I was the only daughter, my father
took care of me for the past 16 years of my life, well I hated
being a princess, wear this, wear that, do this, do that, its annoying.

By the time that my dad calls the princes from a far-away land,
I'll just hide forever and don't get married, I'd rather stay single forever than
get married with a bunch of weirdeos, besides, why do I need a husband
to be queen anyway? I can be anything I want to be without a husband to show.


" Riyette-sama! The princes are here! " one of the maids knocked on my door,

I shook my head and went inside the closet, " Sorry, but I need to do something in Narnia. "


" No! I don't need them princes, I want snow and people ( from Narnia )!! " I closed the closet door and began to look around the closet, of course my closet is huge,

She got a key and opened the door, " We have to get you ready ma-am!! The king's orders. " she opened my closet and pulled me out,

" H-Hey!! Why do I have to do all this stuff?! Can't I get a bit more time for myself?! " I sulked in a corner, sobbing,

She got more furious, " WE GAVE YOU 16 YEARS PRINCESS, 16!! " She dragged me to the makeup room, and started to put on some details,

" Mmmrrrfff....... I hate this. " I puffed my cheeks as they put the lipstick on, " Can I just have a lone time after this? "

She sighed, " Fine, but only 10 minutes, the princes can't wait any longer. "

I smiled and giggled, " Thanks alot. " I closed my eyes happily, but I'll still win at the end,

After the make up session, we went to
the clothes, she got out 20 different colorful
gowns that I could wear, but I didn't really wanted to
wear any cause I don't wanna go to that confirence with those
slimy princes.

" A little bit more.... there! Ooh lala, we have your beautiful princess! " the stylist that dad called snipped his fingers and went on,

I looked at the mirror, gosh I looked inhuman. " Can someone remove this pin at my head? I can't reach it cause my dress is too tight. "

She clapped and blushed, " But you look very beautiful my princess! " she cried tears of joy, " Finally my little princess in growing up and getting married~~! "

" W-Wait, I'm not getting married here! I don't like marrage!! " I ran outside and I almost slipped down until a person catched me, but he held my chest.....

" Are you alright? " he helped me up and looked at me, " Are you..... the princess? "

I looked at him, and knew he was one of the princes, " Umm.... yes, thank you for saving me.... prince.... err... "

He chuckled, " Its Ren Scovred. " he bowed down and grabbed my hand and kissed it,

I blushed immediatly, " W-What are you doing?! "

" Oh, I heard that you have no intrest in men right? "

I shaked my head in a meaning of no, " Yeah.... I guess you can say that. "

He bowed once more, " My sincere apologies madmoiselle. " as he stood up, he excused himself, not a bad fellow, but I ain't gonna fall for that trap,

" What a weird prince indeed. " I walked back to the room, to avoid slipping again,

The maids looked at me, " We saw how you looked at the prince Scovred. " they smirked, all of them smirked,

" Umm....... " I sweatdropped and continued, " Please, I didn't fall inlove, K? "

The other maid smiled, " What did the king tell you? No lying, for the princess right? "

" W-Wait..... do you really think I was lying? Well, to be honest, I hated him for that, he grabbed my chest, and didn't even apologized for it. "

" We knew he was the ' naughty type ' of prince. " they all said in unison as their eyes became thunders,

I sweatdropped, " Naughty type?! Well, I for once think he's annoying. "

" You always think princes are annoying, for someone who hates males. " they looked away and started to clean up again,

" Y-you guys..... " I angrily walked away, snorting to the mess hall, after, I saw my father talking to the princes, I kinda heard a little bit of, ' Marry my daughter, who wins will get the throne as king. ' Oh dad, you and your stupid ideas...

As they ( princes ) went to the mess hall, where I was at,
the maids put me down to not get away with the escape
routine, I need to get away before those princes show up
and destroy my life slowly, or maybe even a fast way..... I just
wanted to live a normal happy life, without those princes...

" Princess, you must stay here. " they both held me down as I squirmed around for freedom,

I moved a little bit more, " Let me go!! I don't like them NYAAAAHHHH!! "

The maids hugged me tightly, " OMMGGGGGGG, PRINCESS YOUR NYAH WAS SO ADORABLE!! "

" They're almost here! C'mon you guys, lemme gooh!! " I wighled around again and again, until I got tired and those gus got here,

The princes saw me and stared, " Are you the princess Riyette? " the prince with black hair looked and glanced,

" Y-Yes... I am. " I sat down and drank a cup of tea, I didn't want to embarass my dad,

Prince Ren got beside me with another cup of Ireland tea, my favorite tea, " So princess, who would you pick from us? "

I sweatdropped and got farther but he only gotten nearer, " W-What do you m-mean pick?! "

" I'm the naughty one, Kikosaki is the cool type, Arurito is the smart type, Matsudo is the gentleman type, Jusonjii is the quiet type, Quinn is the cute type and Asutoshiko is the hero type. who would you pick? "


Princess X Prince SSWhere stories live. Discover now