Prologue-Killing Me Softly With His Song

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The blade is an instrument. With it swift swings that leave an resonating echo after it, to it's loud brash clangs when hitting another's. Their song is one that plays their sorrows, their travels , their lives. The song is sometimes cut short, stab swiftly in the heart. It's song is now strangled and clogged inside the body. Unable to lay its sweet sirens, unwilling to accept the truth. The song is over,no matter how calm, playful or harsh it was. It's over, and now the instrument remains without an owner, their life is over.

"Jeremiah, You've made a grave mistake. You're stubborn and prideful. If you'd just tell me where the girl is, then this could've been avoidable. "The man grins as he pushes the instrument deeper listening to his opponents strangled cries.

"You're an evil man, Klaus" Jeremiah grits his blood covered teeth harder together, he can feel the wave of the metallic liquid flood out from his throat as he coughs it up harshly. This does not stop him from staring directly into Klaus' eyes. They're a deep brown but it's hardly see-able as his pupils are dilated in excitement causing his eyes to look completely black and almost demonic. "She's told me stories about you. 'The predator' she calls you. A shadow that seeps over us all" Jeremiah's fading eyes drift over to his left side behind the other man were his instrument laid, too far away to retain it's owner.

"I see how my reputation precives me, I'm glad that you know of my past. Cause then you'll know how dearly I hope to find my property" Klaus steps further towards Jeremiah tilting the sword in his body to face a different angle. He brings it down hard and a scream rips from Jeremiah's throat. He coughs up more blood onto his chest, it cascades down slowly and effortlessly. In a way it made his death look like art. Drenched in the red paint that was inside Klaus' canvas, he was his to choose just how much paint was added.

"You'll never find her" Jeremiah manages to cry out through his pain. The paint was taking over, his song was nearly done, his last note arriving at it's climax.

"It'll be my pleasure to prove you wrong" Klaus suddenly lifted the sword out of Jeremiah's body before moving it upwards. His eyes glued onto Jeremiah's as they widen in fear. The blade now brushes Jeremiah's neck. His last note sounded in a symphony of crackles, squishes and screams. A beautiful song it was, too bad it had to over so quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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